Sky Golem

Sky Golem

Account wide
1.5 sec cast

Mount a Sky Golem, allowing you to fly very fast. The claws are surprisingly delicate and herbalists can use them to pick herbs! This is a flying mount.

A glorious feat of engineering, the sky golem takes traditional shredder technology to a whole new level (and altitude!).

Profession: Engineering


Sky Golem

Increases flight speed by 310%/280%/150%.
Increases ground speed by 100%/60%.

0 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameSky Golem
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
MechanicmountedSkill LineMounts
  • Can only be cast outdoors
  • Stops auto attack
  • Can only be cast out of combat
Effect #1

Mounted (Sky Golem - Display ID: 72873)