Animated Strike

Animated Strike

15 yd range
3 sec cast

Drains some of the life essence from players, knocking them back and inflicting 20 Shadow damage and forming a stone statue from that essence.

These statues frequently strike the ground, inflicting 57 Physical damage and stunning targets in a frontal cone for 2 sec.

These statues remain until killed.


Animated Strike


2 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameAnimated Strike
SchoolsPhysicalDamage TypeMelee
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
  • Is debuff
  • Cannot target self
Effect #1

School Damage (Physical)

Radius: 15 yard(s)

Damage: 41

Damage: 34 (Looking For Raid)

Damage: 460 (10 Player Heroic Raid)

Damage: 375 (25 Player Raid)

Damage: 506 (25 Player Heroic Raid)

Damage: 20 (Looking For Raid)

Damage: 57 (Heroic Raid)

Damage: 77 (Mythic Raid)

Effect #2


Radius: 15 yard(s)