Shred Armor

Shred Armor

30 yd range
1.7 sec cast3 sec cooldown

The caster's next attack shreds the target's armor for great Physical damage. Victims of this attack are affected with Shredded Armor.

Shreds the victim's armor, causing them to receive 24% more damage for each application of Shredded Armor.

This effect will not apply to tanks using their active mitigation.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameShred Armor
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
  • Cannot miss
Effect #1

School Damage (Physical)

Mechanic: infected

Damage: 79

Damage: 28 (Looking For Raid)

Damage: 56 (Normal Raid)

Damage: 79 (Heroic Raid)

Damage: 106 (Mythic Raid)

Effect #2

Trigger Spell