Mark of Eonar

Mark of Eonar

Approximately 1.2 procs per minute

Your healing effects have a chance to grow an Emerald Blossom nearby, which heals a random injured ally for 0 every 2 sec. Lasts 12 sec.

Eonar's Verdant Embrace
When empowered by the Pantheon, your next 4 direct healing spells grant the target a shield that prevents 0 damage for 30 sec.

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Spell Details

Spell Details
NameMark of Eonar
SchoolsPhysicalDamage TypeMagic
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
Procs when
  • Player casts a beneficial spell
  • Player's hunter trap is stepped upon
  • Passive
Effect #1

Proc Trigger Spell

Spell:  Mark of Eonar

Effect #2

Proc Trigger Spell

Spell:  Emerald Blossom

Effect #3

Proc Trigger Spell With Value

Spell:  Mark of the Pantheon

Value: 256,824

Effect #4


Value: 2