7.2 Follower Equipment - Warlock - Purple - Troop Affinity C

7.2 Follower Equipment - Warlock - Purple - Troop Affinity C

Requires Warlock

Equip a Champion with Relic of Demonic Influence which grants: Increases success chance of missions by 20% when accompanied by Felguard Demons.

Spell Details

Spell Details
Name7.2 Follower Equipment - Warlock - Purple - Troop Affinity C
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategoryNone
  • Can be cast while mounted
  • Allow while sitting
  • Can be cast while stealthed
  • Can be cast while stunned
  • Can be cast while feared
  • Can be cast while confused
Effect #1

LearnFollowerAbility (913) (4)