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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Ravencourt Liberator Amice
680Shoulders Cloth
Leywalker Mantle
680Shoulders Cloth
Psychopath's Ravemantle
62380Shoulders Cloth
Underboss's Tailored Mantle
62380Shoulders Cloth
Earthen Scallywag's Mantle
61080Shoulders Cloth
Ooze-fused Mantle
60080Shoulders Cloth
Maniac Biker's Shoulderguards
60080Shoulders Cloth
Sewer Wanderer's Shoulderpads
60080Shoulders Cloth
Shimmerthread Shoulderpads
60080Shoulders Cloth
Suspiciously Stained Shoulderguards
60080Shoulders Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Amice
58480Shoulders Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Amice
58480Shoulders Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Amice
58480Shoulders Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Mantle
58480Shoulders Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Mantle
58480Shoulders Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Mantle
58480Shoulders Cloth
Kentic Amice
58420Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of Lost Hope
58420Shoulders Cloth
Prized Gladiator's Silk Amice
58480Shoulders Cloth
Prized Gladiator's Silk Amice
58480Shoulders Cloth
Prized Gladiator's Silk Amice
58480Shoulders Cloth
Prized Gladiator's Silk Mantle
58480Shoulders Cloth
Prized Gladiator's Silk Mantle
58480Shoulders Cloth
Prized Gladiator's Silk Mantle
58480Shoulders Cloth
Consecrated Mantle
57780Shoulders Cloth
Algari Competitor's Cloth Shoulderpads
57780Shoulders Cloth
Aspectral Emissary's Arcane Vents
57180Shoulders Cloth
Beacons of the False Dawn
57180Shoulders Cloth
Beacons of Violet Rebirth
57180Shoulders Cloth
Confessor's Unshakable Radiance
57180Shoulders Cloth
Eternal Nemesis Spaulders
57180Shoulders Cloth
Eternal Netherwind Mantle
57180Shoulders Cloth
Eternal Pauldrons of Transcendence
57180Shoulders Cloth
Hexflame Coven's Altar
57180Shoulders Cloth
Living Luster's Dominion
57180Shoulders Cloth
Spliced Fiendtrader's Loyal Servants
57180Shoulders Cloth
Deep-Dweller's Shoulderpads
54570Shoulders Cloth
Forged Aspirant's Silk Mantle
54580Shoulders Cloth
Forged Aspirant's Silk Shawl
54580Shoulders Cloth
Nisa's Spare Shoulderpads
54570Shoulders Cloth
Prized Aspirant's Silk Mantle
54580Shoulders Cloth
Prized Aspirant's Silk Shawl
54580Shoulders Cloth
Saboteur's Shoulderpads
54580Shoulders Cloth
zzOld Do Not Use (DNT)
545Shoulders Cloth
zzOld Do Not Use (DNT)
545Shoulders Cloth
Traditional Nuptial Shoulderpads
50670Shoulders Cloth
Warlords Intro Zone PH Cloth Mantle
500Shoulders Cloth
Draconic Gladiator's Silk Amice
49370Shoulders Cloth
Draconic Gladiator's Silk Amice
49370Shoulders Cloth
Draconic Gladiator's Silk Amice
49370Shoulders Cloth
Draconic Gladiator's Silk Mantle
49370Shoulders Cloth
Draconic Gladiator's Silk Mantle
49370Shoulders Cloth
Draconic Gladiator's Silk Mantle
49370Shoulders Cloth
Mourning Baron's Shoulderpads
48670Shoulders Cloth
Amice of the Sinister Savant
48070Shoulders Cloth
Devotion of the Furnace Seraph
48070Shoulders Cloth
Wayward Chronomancer's Metronomes
48070Shoulders Cloth
Draconic Aspirant's Silk Mantle
45470Shoulders Cloth
Draconic Aspirant's Silk Shawl
45470Shoulders Cloth
Darkened Shoulders
45090Shoulders Cloth
Tranquil Shoulders
45090Shoulders Cloth
Verdant Gladiator's Silk Amice
44770Shoulders Cloth
Verdant Gladiator's Silk Amice
44770Shoulders Cloth
Verdant Gladiator's Silk Amice
44770Shoulders Cloth
Verdant Gladiator's Silk Mantle
44770Shoulders Cloth
Verdant Gladiator's Silk Mantle
44770Shoulders Cloth
Verdant Gladiator's Silk Mantle
44770Shoulders Cloth
Pioneer's Perfected Mantle
44780Shoulders Cloth
zzOld Do Not Use (DNT)
447Shoulders Cloth
Devout Ashdevil's Hatespikes
44170Shoulders Cloth
Frigid Conservator's Shoulders
44170Shoulders Cloth
Lost Scholar's Temporal Shoulderdials
44170Shoulders Cloth
Lost Scholar's Temporal Shoulderdials
44170Shoulders Cloth
Requiem Rootmantle
44170Shoulders Cloth
Shoulderguardians of Lunar Communion
44170Shoulders Cloth
Wayward Chronomancer's Metronomes
44170Shoulders Cloth
Shoulderguards of Fraying Sanity
43768Shoulders Cloth
Deepfiend Shoulderpads
43768Shoulders Cloth
Esteemed Nerubian's Mantle
43768Shoulders Cloth
Exquisitely Aerodynamic Shoulderpads
43768Shoulders Cloth
Fanatic's Blackened Shoulderwraps
43768Shoulders Cloth
Mantle of the Steamsurger
43768Shoulders Cloth
Moneymaking Businessmantle
43768Shoulders Cloth
Photophobic Amice
43768Shoulders Cloth
Water-Imbued Spaulders
43768Shoulders Cloth
Stag's Flourishing Mantle
42870Shoulders Cloth
Amice of the Sinister Savant
41570Shoulders Cloth
Amice of the Sinister Savant
41570Shoulders Cloth
Crucible Curator's Wingspan
41570Shoulders Cloth
Crucible Curator's Wingspan
41570Shoulders Cloth
Devotion of the Furnace Seraph
41570Shoulders Cloth
Devotion of the Furnace Seraph
41570Shoulders Cloth
Mystic's Scalding Frame
41570Shoulders Cloth
Underlight Conjurer's Aurora
41570Shoulders Cloth
Underlight Conjurer's Aurora
41570Shoulders Cloth
Maple Tender Mantle
41570Shoulders Cloth
Summer Soother's Shoulders
41570Shoulders Cloth
Verdant Aspirant's Silk Mantle
41570Shoulders Cloth
Verdant Aspirant's Silk Shawl
41570Shoulders Cloth
Obsidian Gladiator's Silk Amice
40870Shoulders Cloth