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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Illicit Bankroll Bracers
62380Wrists Cloth
Underparty Admission Bracelet
62380Wrists Cloth
Earthen Scallywag's Cuffs
61080Wrists Cloth
Electric Wristrags
60080Wrists Cloth
Elite Golfer's Armbands
60080Wrists Cloth
Guardbreaker's Wristwraps
60080Wrists Cloth
Shimmerthread Wristwraps
60080Wrists Cloth
Aristocratic Cuffs
58480Wrists Cloth
Flameweave Cuffs
58422Wrists Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Armbands
58480Wrists Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Armbands
58480Wrists Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Armbands
58480Wrists Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
58480Wrists Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
58480Wrists Cloth
Forged Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
58480Wrists Cloth
Prized Gladiator's Silk Armbands
58480Wrists Cloth
Prized Gladiator's Silk Armbands
58480Wrists Cloth
Prized Gladiator's Silk Armbands
58480Wrists Cloth
Prized Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
58480Wrists Cloth
Prized Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
58480Wrists Cloth
Prized Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
58480Wrists Cloth
Blasting Bracers
57780Wrists Cloth
Consecrated Cuffs
57780Wrists Cloth
Cool Sunset Bracers
57780Wrists Cloth
Warm Sunrise Bracers
57780Wrists Cloth
zzOld Do Not Use (DNT)
577Wrists Cloth
zzOld Do Not Use (DNT)
577Wrists Cloth
zzOld Do Not Use (DNT)
577Wrists Cloth
Algari Competitor's Cloth Bands
57780Wrists Cloth
Algari Competitor's Cloth Bracers
57780Wrists Cloth
Aspectral Emissary's Gembands
57180Wrists Cloth
Bracelets of Violet Rebirth
57180Wrists Cloth
Confessor's Unshakable Faulds
57180Wrists Cloth
Crunchy Intruder's Wristband
57180Wrists Cloth
Eternal Bindings of Transcendence
57180Wrists Cloth
Eternal Nemesis Bracers
57180Wrists Cloth
Eternal Netherwind Bindings
57180Wrists Cloth
Hexflame Coven's Wristlace
57180Wrists Cloth
Living Luster's Crystbands
57180Wrists Cloth
Skeinspinner's Duplicitous Cuffs
57180Wrists Cloth
Spliced Fiendtrader's Skinbands
57180Wrists Cloth
Auchenai Keeper Wristwraps
552Wrists Cloth
Deep-Dweller's Wraps
54570Wrists Cloth
Forged Aspirant's Silk Bindings
54580Wrists Cloth
Forged Aspirant's Silk Wristwraps
54580Wrists Cloth
Nisa's Spare Wristguards
54570Wrists Cloth
Prized Aspirant's Silk Bindings
54580Wrists Cloth
Prized Aspirant's Silk Wristwraps
54580Wrists Cloth
Stormrider's Cuffs
54580Wrists Cloth
zzOld Do Not Use (DNT)
545Wrists Cloth
zzOld Do Not Use (DNT)
545Wrists Cloth
Warlords Intro Zone PH Cloth Wristwraps
500Wrists Cloth
Draconic Gladiator's Silk Armbands
49370Wrists Cloth
Draconic Gladiator's Silk Armbands
49370Wrists Cloth
Draconic Gladiator's Silk Armbands
49370Wrists Cloth
Draconic Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
49370Wrists Cloth
Draconic Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
49370Wrists Cloth
Draconic Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
49370Wrists Cloth
Draconic Aspirant's Silk Bindings
45470Wrists Cloth
Draconic Aspirant's Silk Wristwraps
45470Wrists Cloth
Darkened Bracers
45090Wrists Cloth
Tranquil Bracers
45090Wrists Cloth
Verdant Gladiator's Silk Armbands
44770Wrists Cloth
Verdant Gladiator's Silk Armbands
44770Wrists Cloth
Verdant Gladiator's Silk Armbands
44770Wrists Cloth
Verdant Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
44770Wrists Cloth
Verdant Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
44770Wrists Cloth
Verdant Gladiator's Silk Wristwraps
44770Wrists Cloth
Pioneer's Cloth Cuffs
44771Wrists Cloth
zzOld Do Not Use (DNT)
447Wrists Cloth
Anguished Restraints
44170Wrists Cloth
Devout Ashdevil's Bracelets
44170Wrists Cloth
Fading Flame Wristbands
44170Wrists Cloth
Frigid Conservator's Bands
44170Wrists Cloth
Wayward Chronomancer's Cuffs
44170Wrists Cloth
Wristwraps of Lunar Communion
44170Wrists Cloth
[PH] Infested Fungal Wristwraps
43768Wrists Cloth
Charged Rookfeather Wraps
43768Wrists Cloth
Corrupted Earthen Wristwraps
43768Wrists Cloth
Gleamwax Shackles
43768Wrists Cloth
Infested Fungal Wristwraps
43768Wrists Cloth
Vitriolic Veinwoven Wraps
43768Wrists Cloth
Wristwraps of the Titancap
43768Wrists Cloth
Singed Barkbands
42870Wrists Cloth
Clasps of the Diligent Steward
42170Wrists Cloth
10.1 Raid - Black Dragon Labs - Boss <#> - <Boss Name> - Armor - Cloth - WRIST 2
41570Wrists Cloth
Bands of Purified Purpose
41570Wrists Cloth
Bands of Purified Purpose
41570Wrists Cloth
Cuffs of the Furnace Seraph
41570Wrists Cloth
Underlight Conjurer's Bracelets
41570Wrists Cloth
Unstable Vial Handlers
41570Wrists Cloth
Wristwraps of the Sinister Savant
41570Wrists Cloth
Maple Tender Wristbands
41570Wrists Cloth
Summer Soother's Bands
41570Wrists Cloth
Verdant Aspirant's Silk Bindings
41570Wrists Cloth
Verdant Aspirant's Silk Wristwraps
41570Wrists Cloth
Bracers of the Black Dream
41085Wrists Cloth
Chronoboost Bracers
41085Wrists Cloth
Obsidian Gladiator's Silk Armbands
40870Wrists Cloth
Obsidian Gladiator's Silk Armbands
40870Wrists Cloth