

clear all
Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Steel-Linked Waistguard
700Waist Mail
Dealer's Covetous Chain
62380Waist Mail
Midnight Lounge Cummerbund
62380Waist Mail
Portable Power Generator
62380Waist Mail
Sash of the Fierce Diva
62380Waist Mail
Earthen Islander's Cinch
61080Waist Mail
Feather-Spike Girdle
60080Waist Mail
Cinch of the Liberator
60080Waist Mail
Elite Golfer's Belt
60080Waist Mail
Scrapcoil Belt
60080Waist Mail
Forged Gladiator's Chain Belt
58480Waist Mail
Forged Gladiator's Chain Belt
58480Waist Mail
Forged Gladiator's Chain Belt
58480Waist Mail
Forged Gladiator's Chain Girdle
58480Waist Mail
Forged Gladiator's Chain Girdle
58480Waist Mail
Forged Gladiator's Chain Girdle
58480Waist Mail
Lead Surveyor's Belt
58422Waist Mail
Prized Gladiator's Chain Belt
58480Waist Mail
Prized Gladiator's Chain Belt
58480Waist Mail
Prized Gladiator's Chain Belt
58480Waist Mail
Prized Gladiator's Chain Girdle
58480Waist Mail
Prized Gladiator's Chain Girdle
58480Waist Mail
Prized Gladiator's Chain Girdle
58480Waist Mail
Sash of the Grand Hunt
58422Waist Mail
Busy Bee's Buckle
57780Waist Mail
Glyph-Etched Binding
57780Waist Mail
Algari Competitor's Chain Girdle
57780Waist Mail
Accelerated Ascension Coil
57180Waist Mail
Core of the Destroyer
57180Waist Mail
Dragonstalker's Eternal Belt
57180Waist Mail
Earth-Warder's Eternal Girdle
57180Waist Mail
Eternal Belt of Ten Storms
57180Waist Mail
Gale Sovereign's Ritual Belt
57180Waist Mail
Lightless Scavenger's Bonegirdle
57180Waist Mail
Lost Watcher's Remains
57180Waist Mail
Lurking Marauder's Binding
57180Waist Mail
Opulent Treasurescale's Radiant Chain
57180Waist Mail
Tireless Collector's First Kill
57180Waist Mail
Wrappings of the Forgotten Reservoir
57180Waist Mail
Aevery's Spare Belt
54570Waist Mail
Algari Cinch
54580Waist Mail
Expeditionary Belt
54570Waist Mail
Forged Aspirant's Chain Belt
54580Waist Mail
Forged Aspirant's Chain Clasp
54580Waist Mail
Prized Aspirant's Chain Belt
54580Waist Mail
Prized Aspirant's Chain Clasp
54580Waist Mail
Lamplighter's Cinch
51270Waist Mail
Warlords Intro Zone PH Mail Belt
500Waist Mail
Draconic Gladiator's Chain Belt
49370Waist Mail
Draconic Gladiator's Chain Belt
49370Waist Mail
Draconic Gladiator's Chain Belt
49370Waist Mail
Draconic Gladiator's Chain Girdle
49370Waist Mail
Draconic Gladiator's Chain Girdle
49370Waist Mail
Draconic Gladiator's Chain Girdle
49370Waist Mail
Draconic Aspirant's Chain Belt
45470Waist Mail
Draconic Aspirant's Chain Clasp
45470Waist Mail
Verdant Gladiator's Chain Belt
44770Waist Mail
Verdant Gladiator's Chain Belt
44770Waist Mail
Verdant Gladiator's Chain Belt
44770Waist Mail
Verdant Gladiator's Chain Girdle
44770Waist Mail
Verdant Gladiator's Chain Girdle
44770Waist Mail
Verdant Gladiator's Chain Girdle
44770Waist Mail
Tracker's Toughened Girdle
44780Waist Mail
Blazing Dreamstalker's Spined Girdle
44170Waist Mail
Forlorn Leaf Clasp
44170Waist Mail
Greatwolf Outcast's Sigil Belt
44170Waist Mail
Jeweled Sash of the Viper
44170Waist Mail
Mossen Rage Waistguard
44170Waist Mail
Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Adorned Sash
44170Waist Mail
Winter Forager's Waistguard
44170Waist Mail
Abyssal Hunter's Chain
43768Waist Mail
Cinch of Lingering Influence
43768Waist Mail
Flying Kobold's Seatbelt
43768Waist Mail
Reinforced Anti-Intruder Chainmail
43768Waist Mail
Scent-Strong Candlecord
43768Waist Mail
Voidtouched Waistguard
43768Waist Mail
Sash of the Fruit Thief
42870Waist Mail
Hydratooth Girdle
42170Waist Mail
10.1 Raid - Black Dragon Labs - Boss <#> - <Boss Name> - Armor - Mail - WAIST 2
41570Waist Mail
Ashen Predator's Strap
41570Waist Mail
Faulds of Failed Experiments
41570Waist Mail
Faulds of Failed Experiments
41570Waist Mail
Faulds of the Cinderwolf
41570Waist Mail
Gloomfused Chemistry Belt
41570Waist Mail
Lasso of Obsidian Secrets
41570Waist Mail
Spirited Stag's Waistguard
41570Waist Mail
Verdant Aspirant's Chain Belt
41570Waist Mail
Verdant Aspirant's Chain Clasp
41570Waist Mail
Wind Wolf Chain
41570Waist Mail
Obsidian Gladiator's Chain Belt
40870Waist Mail
Obsidian Gladiator's Chain Belt
40870Waist Mail
Obsidian Gladiator's Chain Belt
40870Waist Mail
Obsidian Gladiator's Chain Girdle
40870Waist Mail
Obsidian Gladiator's Chain Girdle
40870Waist Mail
Obsidian Gladiator's Chain Girdle
40870Waist Mail
Infinite Soldier's Cinch
40270Waist Mail
Paradoxical Cinch
40270Waist Mail
Power-Washed Belt
40070Waist Mail
Timely Tourist's Belt
40070Waist Mail
[PH] 11.0 - Belt
40070Waist Mail