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Name Level Req. Level Slot Source Type
Chaos-Calming Wristguards
890110Wrists Mail
Gale Sovereign's Bracers
62380Wrists Mail
Galvanic Graffiti Cuffs
62380Wrists Mail
Made Manacles
62380Wrists Mail
Opulent Treasurescale's Vambraces
62380Wrists Mail
Tireless Collector's Manacles
62380Wrists Mail
Earthen Islander's Bracers
61080Wrists Mail
Blastshell Bracers
60080Wrists Mail
Apprentice Knight's Wristguards
60080Wrists Mail
Scrapcoil Bracers
60080Wrists Mail
Sewer Wanderer's Bracers
60080Wrists Mail
Forged Gladiator's Chain Bracers
58480Wrists Mail
Forged Gladiator's Chain Bracers
58480Wrists Mail
Forged Gladiator's Chain Bracers
58480Wrists Mail
Forged Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
58480Wrists Mail
Forged Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
58480Wrists Mail
Forged Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
58480Wrists Mail
Prized Gladiator's Chain Bracers
58480Wrists Mail
Prized Gladiator's Chain Bracers
58480Wrists Mail
Prized Gladiator's Chain Bracers
58480Wrists Mail
Prized Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
58480Wrists Mail
Prized Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
58480Wrists Mail
Prized Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
58480Wrists Mail
Pyremail Wristguards
58422Wrists Mail
Rubicund Armguards
58420Wrists Mail
Glyph-Etched Vambraces
57780Wrists Mail
Vambraces of Deepening Darkness
57780Wrists Mail
Whirring Wristwraps
57780Wrists Mail
Algari Competitor's Chain Cuffs
57780Wrists Mail
Algari Competitor's Mail Bracers
57780Wrists Mail
Dragonstalker's Eternal Bracers
57180Wrists Mail
Earth-Warder's Eternal Vambraces
57180Wrists Mail
Embrace of the Forgotten Reservoir
57180Wrists Mail
Eternal Bracers of Ten Storms
57180Wrists Mail
Ky'veza's Covert Clasps
57180Wrists Mail
Lightless Scavenger's Wristguards
57180Wrists Mail
Throne Defender's Bangles
57180Wrists Mail
Wristblades of the Destroyer
57180Wrists Mail
Sha'tari Deadeye Wristwraps
552Wrists Mail
Aevery's Spare Bracers
54570Wrists Mail
Expeditionary Bracers
54570Wrists Mail
Forged Aspirant's Chain Bracer
54580Wrists Mail
Forged Aspirant's Chain Wristwraps
54580Wrists Mail
Prized Aspirant's Chain Bracer
54580Wrists Mail
Prized Aspirant's Chain Wristwraps
54580Wrists Mail
Stormrider's Bracers
54580Wrists Mail
Warlords Intro Zone PH Mail Wristwraps
500Wrists Mail
Draconic Gladiator's Chain Bracers
49370Wrists Mail
Draconic Gladiator's Chain Bracers
49370Wrists Mail
Draconic Gladiator's Chain Bracers
49370Wrists Mail
Draconic Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
49370Wrists Mail
Draconic Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
49370Wrists Mail
Draconic Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
49370Wrists Mail
Draconic Aspirant's Chain Bracer
45470Wrists Mail
Draconic Aspirant's Chain Wristwraps
45470Wrists Mail
Verdant Gladiator's Chain Bracers
44770Wrists Mail
Verdant Gladiator's Chain Bracers
44770Wrists Mail
Verdant Gladiator's Chain Bracers
44770Wrists Mail
Verdant Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
44770Wrists Mail
Verdant Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
44770Wrists Mail
Verdant Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
44770Wrists Mail
Tracker's Chitin Cuffs
44771Wrists Mail
Blazing Dreamstalker's Bracers
44170Wrists Mail
Greatwolf Outcast's Wristguards
44170Wrists Mail
Twisted Flamecuffs
44170Wrists Mail
Wellspring Wristlets
44170Wrists Mail
Weyrnkeeper's Timeless Wristlets
44170Wrists Mail
Winter Forager's Cuffs
44170Wrists Mail
[PH] Storm Bindings
43768Wrists Mail
Bracers of the Titancap
43768Wrists Mail
Consecrated Baron's Bindings
43768Wrists Mail
Corrupted Earthen Binds
43768Wrists Mail
I'pa's Pale Aleguards
43768Wrists Mail
Penumbral Rimeguards
43768Wrists Mail
Storm Bindings
43768Wrists Mail
Binds of the Shatterer
42870Wrists Mail
Shackles of the Shadowed Bastille
41870Wrists Mail
Ashen Predator's Skinwraps
41570Wrists Mail
Boulder-Tossing Bands
41570Wrists Mail
Runebraces of the Cinderwolf
41570Wrists Mail
Scalebands of Obsidian Secrets
41570Wrists Mail
Spirited Stag's Cuffs
41570Wrists Mail
Verdant Aspirant's Chain Bracer
41570Wrists Mail
Verdant Aspirant's Chain Wristwraps
41570Wrists Mail
Wind Wolf Cuffs
41570Wrists Mail
Obsidian Gladiator's Chain Bracers
40870Wrists Mail
Obsidian Gladiator's Chain Bracers
40870Wrists Mail
Obsidian Gladiator's Chain Bracers
40870Wrists Mail
Obsidian Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
40870Wrists Mail
Obsidian Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
40870Wrists Mail
Obsidian Gladiator's Chain Wristguards
40870Wrists Mail
Infinite Soldier's Bracers
40270Wrists Mail
Paradoxical Bracers
40270Wrists Mail
Power-Washed Bracers
40070Wrists Mail
Timely Tourist's Bracers
40070Wrists Mail
Bracers of Depleting Brilliance
40070Wrists Mail
Chitinoid Bracers
40070Wrists Mail
Earthen Traveler's Bracers
40070Wrists Mail
Flamestonge's Bracers
40070Wrists Mail
Olbarig's Old Cuffs
40070Wrists Mail