Magma Crush - Inflicts 5,000,000 Fire damage, split evently amongst all players within 20 yards of the target.
Burning Soul - Inflicts 50,000 Fire damage every 1 sec. for 10 sec. On expiration, the player explodes, inflicting 300,000 Fire damage to players within 8 yards and knocking them up.
Pool of Fire - Creates a pool of fire that inflicts 50,000 Fire damage every 1 sec.
Ancient Flame - Summons an orb that inflicts 50,000 Fire damage to the nearest player every 2 sec. and increases Fire damage taken by 5% for 10 sec.
Eternal Agony - After 5 minutes, Ordos channels all of his power into a massive ball of magma, inflicting 300,000 Fire damage to all players every 1 sec.
To get to Ordon Sanctuary: Follow the main path that begins south of the Celestial Court and keep following it till you reach the broken portion of the second bridge. If you have the legendary cloak, a yellow emote will flash across your screen as you are whisked across the gap to the other side. Ordos can be seen straight ahead of you if he is up.
Just as an added point of note: you have to have the cloak on one character. You will still be able to fly across the bridge and fight Ordos on alts without the cloak, as long as you the player has one on someone.
(Easier to reply to myself than try get WoWDB to let me edit my old comment.)
You actually still need to have acquired the MoP legendary cloak on at least one character. Blizzard jumped the gun on that patch change, and they've not revisited it since. I don't think we can expect to ever have them fix the problem that kept the anticipated patch change from working.
Ordos drops Normal—Warforged quality gear. You can use a Bonus Roll for his loot, but you are limited to once per week for a chance at gear from killing Ordos and from using a roll.
Raid Information does not track 'lock-outs' to any of the world bosses. Since at this point none of the pre-5.4 world bosses are relevant, use the following macro (doesn't matter if your character is Alliance or Horde) to double-check if:
Any Celestial has been killed
If Ordos has been killed
If you remembered or not to complete the weekly quest for Warforged Seal
/run for k, v in pairs({Celestials = 33117, Ordos = 33118, WarforgedSeals = 33134}) do print(format("%s: %s", k, IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v) and "\124cff00ff00Done\124r" or "\124cffff0000Not Done\124r")) end
Dungeon Journal
"This boss requires you to have the Patch 5.4 legendary cloak to access him."For those needing to catch up, you can read an overview of Wrathion's legendary quest chain here.Edit: With Warlords of Draenor, you no longer need the legendary cloak since the quest chain was removed from the game.
To get to Ordon Sanctuary: Follow the main path that begins south of the Celestial Court and keep following it till you reach the broken portion of the second bridge. If you have the legendary cloak, a yellow emote will flash across your screen as you are whisked across the gap to the other side. Ordos can be seen straight ahead of you if he is up.
Just as an added point of note: you have to have the cloak on one character. You will still be able to fly across the bridge and fight Ordos on alts without the cloak, as long as you the player has one on someone.
(Easier to reply to myself than try get WoWDB to let me edit my old comment.)
You actually still need to have acquired the MoP legendary cloak on at least one character. Blizzard jumped the gun on that patch change, and they've not revisited it since. I don't think we can expect to ever have them fix the problem that kept the anticipated patch change from working.
Ordos drops Normal—Warforged quality gear. You can use a Bonus Roll for his loot, but you are limited to once per week for a chance at gear from killing Ordos and from using a roll.
Raid Information does not track 'lock-outs' to any of the world bosses. Since at this point none of the pre-5.4 world bosses are relevant, use the following macro (doesn't matter if your character is Alliance or Horde) to double-check if:
Credit to lostoutcast.