Alliance Neither Human Nor Beast

Drink from the Well of Tranquility, the Well of Balance and the Well of Fury.



It is time, <name>. This... alchemy that has kept the beast inside you at bay will not last for long.

The first cursed worgen were night elf druids like our new allies. They, however, abandoned the balance that the rest of their kind embraced and allowed the beast to take over their minds.

It is only fitting that their brethren be the ones that deliver us from the Curse. Go, <Class>. Drink from the waters of Tal'doren and make peace with yourself.


You will be able to choose one appropriate item for your class from the following rewards:

Staff of Earned Tranquility Cry of the Wolf
Hammer of Controlled Fury Sharp Edge of Balance
Sharpened Wolf's Tooth Staff of Deserved Tranquility

You will also receive:

Level 1