Judgment of the Black Prince
This quest is no longer available in game.
Complete the Siege of Orgrimmar and defeat Garrosh Hellscream.
- Kill Garrosh Hellscream
Now. To the final stage of my plan. Time to fulfil your grand purpose.
Using your newfound powers, it is time to bring this war to its conclusion. Destroy Garrosh Hellscream. Your people demand it, and future generations will sing your praises as the harbinger for the glorious new world we shall build together.
I have no reward to offer you. I have already done everything in my power to ensure that you succeed. You are on your own.
End Hellscream's reign.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: The Legendary Cloak quest line is being removed in Warlords of Draenor. Players that have completed the achievement
Chapter V: Judgment of the Black Prince prior to that expansion will be rewarded with the title <Name>, Legend of Pandaria. So now you have reason to finish this!
Wrathion acts in an extremely lame fashion upon the end of the quest, proving he is as dumb as his Father. The guy learns no lessons, I won't be surprised to see him as an enemy in WoD.
Any raid difficulty will satisfy the quest objective.
YouTube video of quest as completed by Horde. There is no factional difference in the dialogue as far as I can tell, however. (I've put this video at the top so that things look nicer. The dialogue quote box was done by myself before I recently came across the video, though.)
Hmm, let's see. Completing this quest give me 353,000 Exp! Oh, wait. I'm level 90. Exp doesn't mean anything to me. Ok, then there's 500 rep with Wrathion! Oh, wait. To get this quest, I have to be on the legendary cloak quest and part of that quest that has to be completed *before* this is: get exalted with Wrathion. Hmm, 500 rep ain't worth much then. Well, at least that leaves..... 34 gold. Really? My repair bill will be higher than that. So, completing this quest leaves me at a net loss. I think not.....
Every quest rewards experience unless marked otherwise. If you do a level-range appropriate quest at the then-max level, those experience points are converted into gold (on top of the gold you'd get anyway). So the experience isn't a complete waste. Nor is the rep if you reached the bare minimum of exalted and don't want to spend the extra time filling it out for completion's sake.
Completing this quest is also the last criteria for the final Wrathion achievement, so if you've managed to survive LFR up to this point you may as well finish the whole thing.
(No, you aren't required to do this quest. It is not a waste, though.)[See comment #5 for why I struck that part.]