Alliance The Traitor's True Name

Plant the Focusing Lens atop the Exarch's Rise in Shadowmoon Valley.



We must give the traitor no place to hide. I have a focusing lens that will illuminate cloaked fel energy. If it were placed on a high point, it could act like a beacon, lighting up anyone in town who reeks of the fel taint.

There is a prayer circle atop the Exarch's Rise to the north that will serve our purpose. Plant the focusing lens, <name>. If you reveal anything, deal with it. Then meet me below.


You will be able to choose one appropriate item for your class from the following rewards:

Rangari Initiate Wristwraps Karabor Sage Wristwraps
Karabor Honor Guard Wristwraps Karabor Skirmisher Wristwraps

You will also receive:

Level 90