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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
[DNT] Azerite Reward Test Quest - BJI 1010-60
A Child of Pa'ku 5050 Horde 2 34
A Dark (Iron) Tide 1010-60 20
A Daughter of Torcali
5050 23 40
A Different Outcome 1010-60 2 57
A Gathering of Champions 5050
A Good Spanking 1010-60 Horde
Pick one:
A Nose for Magic 1010-60 25 74
A Port in Peril 1010-60 Horde 2 57
A Slip of the Tongue 1010-60 Alliance 10
A Strange Port of Call 1010-60 25 74
A Thorn in the Side 1010-60 25 74
Add More to the Collection 5050
Against the Tide 1010-60 51 48
Aggressive Mating Strategy 1010-60 Horde 25 74
Alchemy is an Inexact Science 5050 Horde 23 40
An Unending Sleep 5050 2 34
Ancient Tortollan Remedies 1010-60 25 74
Apes of Wrath Alliance
Pick one:
2 34
Archaeological Efficiency 1010-60 25 74
Archaeological Efficiency 1010-60 Alliance 12 87
Arrogance of Vol'jamba 1010-60 Horde
Pick one:
12 87
Atal'zul Gotaka 5050
Avatar of Xolotal 5050
Azerite Empowerment 5050
Azerite Empowerment 5050
Azerite for the Horde
Azerite Madness 5050
Azerite Mining 5050
Azerite Mining 5050
Azerite Wounds 5050
Beachhead 5050
Behind Mogu Lines 5050
Beneath the Waves 1010-60
Pick one:
51 48
Big Hunter Mon 1010-60 25 74
Biting the Hand that Feeds Them 5050
Bloodbulge 5050
Bramblewing 5050
Brgl-Lrgl the Basher 5050
Brutal Boost 1010-60 Horde 25 74
Brutal Escort 5050
Bulwark of Torcali 1010-60 51 48
Caged Wisdom 1010-60 51 48
Call to Arms: Zuldazar 5050
Call to Arms: Zuldazar 5050
Calligraphy 5050
City of Gold 1010-60 25 74
Cleanup Crew 5050
Clear the Riffraff 1010-60 25 74
Competitive Devotion 1010-60 Horde 51 48
Compromised Reconnaissance 5050
Crabulous Feast 1010-60 20
Crimsonclaw 5050
Critters are Friends, Not Food 5050
Crumbling Apart 1010-60 25 74
Curse of Jani 1010-60 25 74
Cut Off Potential 5050
Daggerjaw 5050
Dark Chronicler 5050
Darkspeaker Jo'la 5050
Destroy the Weapon 1010-60 51 48
Deterrent 1010-60
Pick one:
25 74
DGH: Now With Real Direhorn 1010-60 Horde 25 74
Die, Die, Diemetradon 1010-60 25 74
Dire Situation 1010-60 Horde
Pick one:
Direhorn Daycare 1010-60 Horde 25 74
Direhorn Growth Hormone 1010-60 Horde 25 74
Dreadpearl Collusion 1010-49 45 52
Ears Everywhere 5050
Eggstermination 5050
Eggstermination 5050
Embrace the Voodoo 1010-60 25 74
Emergency Management 5050
Enforcing Fate 1010-60 Horde 25 74
Enforcing the Will of the King 5050
Evidence of Evil 1010-60 2
Eyes on the Skies 5050 46 80
Falling With Style
5050 23 40
False Prophecies 1010-60 Horde 2 57
Featherfeet's Fun Falling's Fun Fee! 1010-60
Forbidden Practices 1010-60 Horde 25 74
Fuel for the Voodoo 1010-60 Horde 25 74
Gahz'ralka 5050
Garbage for the Garbage God 1010-60 25 74
Golrakahn 5050
Gonk, Lord of the Pack 1010-60 Horde 51 48
Gorilla Gorge 1010-49 45 52
Gorilla Warfare 1010-60 25 74
Grand Theft Telemancy 1010-60
Pick one:
51 48
Growing Pains 1010-60 Horde 2
Hakbi the Risen 5050
Headbutting 101 1010-60 Horde 25 74
Headhunter Jo 1010-60
Pick one:
51 48
Headhunter Lee'za 5050
Heads Will Roll 1010-60 25 74
Herding Children 5050
Heretics 1010-60 25 74
He's Gone Mad! 1010-60
Pick one:
51 48
Hex Education 5050
Horde War Effort 5050