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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
Auctioning for Parts 9696
Flames Of The Earth 100100 Alliance 3,770 XP
15 40
Garrison Max-level Choice Reward Summary: Group
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Reward Summary: PvP
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Reward Summary: Solo
3,770 XP
46 20
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: (GROUP) Gorgrond Blackrock Foundry
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: (GROUP) Nagrand Ring of Blood
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: (GROUP) Talador Shattrath City, West
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: (PVP) Ashran
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: ANY CHOICE MADE
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Frostfire Bloodmaul Compound
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Frostfire Magnarok
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Gorgrond Primal Forest
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Nagrand Broken Precipice
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Nagrand Mok'gol Watchpost
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Shadowmoon Darktide Roost 100100
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Shadowmoon Sanctum of Othaar
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Spires Mushroom Swamp
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Spires Shadowmoon Cliffs
3,770 XP
61 60
Garrison Max-level Choice Tracker: Talador Shattrath City, East
3,770 XP
61 60
Gronnsbane: The Blessing of Beasts
100100 3,770 XP
Gronnsbane: The Blessing of Beasts
100100 Horde 3,770 XP
Gronnsbane: The Blessing of Fire
100100 Horde 3,770 XP
3 85
Gronnsbane: The Blessing of Frost
100100 Horde 3,770 XP
3 85
Gronnsbane: The Broken Spear
100100 Horde
3,770 XP
3 85
Treasure: Arena Master's Warhorn 9090-100
Treasure: Blasting Charges - Cave A Cache 9090-100
Treasure: Blasting Charges - Cave B Cache 9090-100
Treasure: Blasting Charges - Cave C Cache 9090-100
Treasure: Blasting Charges - Cave D Cache 9090-100
Treasure: Frozen Frostwolf Axe 9090-100
Treasure: Ogre Cache 9090-100
Vignette/Treasure: Frozen Treasure 9090-100
Vignette/Treasure: Gnawed Bone 9090-100
Vignette/Treasure: Lagoon Pool/Giant Clam 9090-100
Vignette/Treasure: Lucky Coin 9090-100
Vignette/Treasure: Savage Clam 9090-100
Vignette/Treasure: Smoldering True Iron Deposit 9090-100
Vignette/Treasure: Snow-Covered Strongbox 9090-100
Vignette/Treasure: Waterlogged Journal 9090-100
Vignette: Breathless 9090-100
Vignette: Cyclonic Fury 9090-100
Vignette: Blade-Dancer Aeryx 9090-96 14,520 XP
13 80
Treasure: Deceptia's Smoldering Boots 9090-95 14,380 XP
13 40
Treasure: Torched Iron Horde Scout 9494-95
Blood Oath of Lokra 9090-92 13,970 XP
12 20
Blood Oath of Na'Shra 9090-92
13,970 XP
12 20
Getting the Points 9090-92 13,970 XP
12 20
The Interest of Bruto 9292
13,970 XP
18 30
Chest Reward Tracking Quest 9090-91
Treasure: Lady Sena's Extra Stash 9090-91
Treasure: Skaggit's Extra Stash 9090-91
Treasure: Thunderlord Cache 01 9090-91 13,830 XP
11 80
Treasure: Unused Wood Pile 9090-91
Frostfire Ridge: (RRP) - Treasure - Pale Leather Cache 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Garrison Follower: Greatmother Geyah 9090
Garrison Follower: Kal'gor the Honorable 9090
Nemesis Flag, Draenei/Blood Elf 9090 1,370 XP
1 14
Nemesis Flag, Dwarf/Forsaken 9090 1,370 XP
1 14
Nemesis Flag, Gnome/Tauren 9090 1,370 XP
1 14
Nemesis Flag, Human 9090 1,370 XP
1 14
Nemesis Flag, Human/Orc 9090 1,370 XP
1 14
Nemesis Flag, Night Elf/Troll 9090 1,370 XP
1 14
Nemesis Flag, Pandaren (A/H) 9090 1,370 XP
1 14
Nemesis Flag, Worgen/Goblin 9090 1,370 XP
1 14
Treasure - Glowing Blue Mushroom 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Arena Spectator 9090
Treasure: Bladespire Chef 9090
Treasure: Bladespire Craftsman 9090
Treasure: Blasting Charges - Rubble A 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Blasting Charges - Rubble B 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Blasting Charges - Rubble C 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Blasting Charges - Rubble D 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Carved Obsidian Idol 9090
Treasure: Crag-Leaper's Cache 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Fallen Ogre 9090
Treasure: Frostwolf Cache 01 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Frostwolf Cache 02 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Frostwolf Cache 03 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Frostwolf Cache 04 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Frostwolf Cache 04 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Frostwolf Cache 07 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Frostwolf Supply Cache 9090
Treasure: Goren Leftovers 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Grimfrost Cache 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Gronnstalker's Cache 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Ice-Covered Supplies 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Ice-Covered Supplies 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Iron Horde Supply Wagon 9090
Treasure: Lagoon Pool 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Ogre Booty 000 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Ogre Booty 001 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Ogre Booty 002 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Ogre Booty 003 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Ogre Booty 004 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Ogre Booty 005 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Ogre Booty 006 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Ogre Booty 007 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Ogre Booty 008 9090 13,690 XP
11 40
Treasure: Ogre Booty 009 9090 13,690 XP
11 40