clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
Gutrek's Cleaver: The Final Piece
100100 Alliance 3,770 XP
3 85
Gutrek's Cleaver: The First Piece
100100 Alliance 3,770 XP
3 85
Gutrek's Cleaver: The Second Piece
100100 Alliance 3,770 XP
3 85
Gutrek's Cleaver: The Spirit Forge
100100 Alliance 3,770 XP
Gutrek's Cleaver: The Spirit Forge
100100 3,770 XP
Meatgut Needs Bones 9898-100 7,540 XP
Terror of Nagrand 9898-100 Horde 18,840 XP
30 80
The Bloodshed Never Ends
3,770 XP
61 60
Treasure Contract: Gutrek's Cleaver
100100 3,770 XP
3 85
Removing the Paper Trail 9898-99 Horde 14,930 XP
The Shadow of the Void 9898-99
Pick one:
14,930 XP
Abu'gar 9090-98
14,800 XP
14 60
Blood of the Burning Blade 9898 14,800 XP
14 60
Blood of the Burning Blade 9898 14,800 XP
14 60
The Honor of a Blademaster 9898
14,800 XP
14 60
Nagrand 6.0:JP3 - Broken Precipice - Tracking Quest - See Greblin Fastfizzle 9090
Nagrand Corral 9090
A Lesson in Archaeology 3535-40 Horde 16 98
A Lesson in Teamwork 3535-40 Horde
Pick one:
16 98
A Rare Bloom 3535-40 16 98
A Rare Find 3535-40
A Wrong of Earth and Fire 3535-40 16 98
Alliance Stables Tracking Event
Alliance Workshop Tracking Event
Along the Riverside 3535-40 Horde
Along the Riverside 3535-40 Alliance
An Act of Kindness 4040 Alliance 33 96
An Old Friend 3535-40 13 74
And Justice for Thrall 3535-40 Alliance
Pick one:
67 92
Aogexon's Fang 3535-40 33 96
Bergruu's Horn 3535-40 33 96
Bigger Trap, Better Rewards 3535-40
27 48
Bigger Trap, Better Rewards 3535-40
27 48
Boar Training: Cruel Ogres 3535-40
33 96
Bread and Circuses 3535-40 Horde
Call of the Gladiator 4040
Called to the Throne 3535-40 Horde 1 69
Called to the Throne 3535-40 Alliance 1 69
Clearing the Mist 3535-40 Horde 16 98
Clefthoof Training: Orc Hunters 4040
33 96
Dark Binding 3535-40 Horde 16 98
Dark Binding 3535-40 Alliance 16 98
Declawing The Competition 3535-40 16 98
Dekorhan's Tusk 3535-40 33 96
Direhoof's Hide 3535-40 33 96
Disrupt the Rituals 3535-40 Horde 16 98
Earth, Wind and Fire...and Water 3535-40
Pick one:
27 48
Elekk Training: Darkwing Roc 3838-40
33 96
Elemental Attunement 3535-40 Horde 16 98
Elemental Attunement 3535-40 Alliance 13 74
Entangling an Elekk 3535-40
33 96
Fight, Kill, Salute! 4040
67 92
Fragments of the Past 3535-40
Fruitful Ventures 3535-40 16 98
Gagrog's Skull 3535-40 33 96
Gazmolf Futzwangler and the Highmaul Crusade 3535-40 1 69
Gobnapped 3535-40
Pick one:
16 98
Guardians of the Plateau 3535-40 16 98
Hemet Nesingwary Visitor Tracking Event
Hemet's Happy Hunting Grounds 3535-40 84 90
Hero's Call: Nagrand! 3535-40 1 69
Horde Stables Tracking Event
Horde Workshop Tracking Event
I Help Ya Kill Dem 3535-40 Horde 16 98
Ironfist Harbor 3535-40 84 90
King of the Breezestriders 3535-40 Alliance
Pick one:
33 96
King of the Breezestriders 3535-40 Horde
Pick one:
33 96
Lok-rath is Secured 3535-40 Horde
Lost in Nagrand 3535-40 Horde 16 98
Meet Me in the Cavern 3535-40 Alliance 16 98
Mo'mor Might Know 3535-40 Alliance
Pick one:
16 98
Mu'gra's Head 3535-40 33 96
My Precious! 3535-40 16 98
New Babies 3535-40 33 96
Nobundo Sends Word 3535-40 Alliance 1 69
Not Without My Honor 3535-40 Alliance
Pick one:
16 98
Obliterating Ogres 3535-40 Alliance
Pick one:
16 98
Obtaining Ogre Offensive Orders 3535-40 Alliance 16 98
Operation: Just Arrowhead 3535-40 Alliance 16 98
Queen of the Clefthoof 3535-40 Alliance
33 96
Queen of the Clefthoof 3535-40 Horde
33 96
Reglakk's Research 3535-40 Horde
Pick one:
33 96
Removing the Paper Trail 3535-40 Alliance 16 98
Removing the Reinforcements 3535-40 Horde 16 98
Ring of Trials: Crushmaul 3535-40 33 96
Ring of Trials: Hol'yelaa 3535-40 33 96
Ring of Trials: Raketalon 3535-40 27 48
Riverbeast Training: Cruel Ogres 3535-40
33 96
Shields Down! 3535-40 Alliance
Pick one:
16 98
Shields Down! 3535-40 Horde
Pick one:
33 96
Shields Up! 3535-40 Horde 16 98
Shooting the Breeze 3535-40 Alliance
16 98
Shooting the Breeze 3535-40 Horde
16 98
Silence the Call 3535-40 Horde
Pick one:
16 98
Snarlpaw Ledge 3535-40 84 90
Spiritual Matters 3535-40 Horde 16 98
Spiritual Matters 3535-40 Alliance 16 98
Taking the Fight to Nagrand 3535-40
Taking the Fight to Nagrand 3535-40 Horde
Taking the Fight to Nagrand 3535-40