clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
WANTED: Bladefist's Seal
7070 15,625 XP
13 20
A Very Special Cloth 2020-30 Horde 10 50
Advancing the Campaign 2020-30 1 5
Advancing the Campaign 2020-30 1 5
Fel Ember 2020-30 Horde
Pick one:
10 50
Honor the Dying 2020-30 Horde 10 50
How to Save a Life 2020-30 Alliance
Pick one:
10 50
O'mrogg's Warcloth 2020-30 Alliance 10 50
One Last Favor 2020-30 Alliance 10 50
The Will of the Warchief 2020-30 Horde
Pick one:
10 50
Turning the Tide 2020-30 Alliance
Pick one:
10 50
WANTED: Shattered Hand Centurions
2020-30 21