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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
A Broken Trap 5656-60
Elven Legends 5454-60 12,250 XP
1 80
Elven Legends 5454-60 12,250 XP
1 80
Foror's Compendium 6060
Free Knot! 5656-60
The Gordok Ogre Suit 5656-60
The Gordok Taste Test 5656-60
The Light and How To Swing It 5454-60
The Madness Within 5656-60
Unfinished Gordok Business 5656-60
Pick one:
Unfinished Gordok Business 5656-60
Pick one:
Pusillin and the Elder Azj'Tordin 5454-58
Pick one:
11,845 XP
1 75
Camp Mojache 5454-57
Feathermoon Stronghold 5454-57
Lethtendris's Web 5454-57
11,640 XP
1 70
Lethtendris's Web 5454-57
11,640 XP
1 70
The Gordok Ogre Suit 4242-46
A Broken Trap 1515-30
Adventurers Wanted: Dire Maul Capital Gardens 1515-30 1 5
Adventurers Wanted: Dire Maul Warpwood Quarter 1515-30 1 5
Adventurers Wanted: Northern Dire Maul 1515-30 1 5
Alzzin the Wildshaper 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50
An Unwelcome Guest 1515-30 10 50
Eyes in the Sky 1515-30 1 5
King of the Gordok 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50
King of the Gordok 1515-30 Alliance
Pick one:
10 50
Lethtendris's Web 1515-30 10 50
Ogre in the Field 1515-30 1 5
Pusillin The Thief 1515-30 10 50
Saving Warpwood 1515-30 Horde 1 5
Saving Warpwood 1515-30 Alliance 1 5
Shards of the Felvine 1515-30 10 50
The Cursed Remains 1515-30 10 50
The Gordok Ogre Suit 1515-30
The Gordok Taste Test 1515-30
The Highborne 1515-30 Horde 1 5
The Highborne 1515-30 1 5
The Madness Within 1515-30 10 50
The Shen'dralar Ancient 1515-30 1 5
The Treasure of the Shen'dralar 1515-30
Pick one:
31 50
The Warped Defender 1515-30 10 50
Unfinished Gordok Business 1515-30
Pick one: