clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
Attack on Nethergarde 9090 Horde
13,690 XP
11 40
Blasted Land 6.0:JP3 - Invasion - Tracking Quest - See Maraad 9090
Blasted Land 6.0:JP3 - Invasion - Tracking Quest - See Thrall 9090
Death to the Dreadmaul 9090 Alliance 13,690 XP
11 40
Ending Executions 9090 Alliance
13,690 XP
11 40
Ending Executions 9090 Horde
13,690 XP
11 40
Enohar's Revenge 9090 Alliance 13,690 XP
11 40
For Nethergarde! 9090 Alliance
13,690 XP
11 40
Gar'mak Bladetwist 9090 Alliance
13,690 XP
11 40
Investigating the Invasion 9090 Horde 1,370 XP
1 14
Lunatic Lieutenants 9090 Alliance
Pick one:
13,690 XP
11 40
Lunatic Lieutenants 9090 Horde
Pick one:
13,690 XP
11 40
Mementos of the Fallen 9090 Alliance 13,690 XP
11 40
Peeking into the Portal 9090 Alliance 13,690 XP
11 40
Ransacking Nethergarde 9090 Horde 13,690 XP
11 40
Subversive Scouts 9090 Alliance 13,690 XP
11 40
Subversive Scouts 9090 Horde 13,690 XP
11 40
Toothsmash the Annihilator 9090 Alliance
Pick one:
13,690 XP
11 40
Under Siege 9090 Alliance
13,690 XP
11 40
Warning Orgrimmar 9090 Horde
Pick one:
17,110 XP
22 80
Into the Breach 5555-60
8,165 XP
A Bloodmage's Gotta Eat Too 5454-55 Alliance
Pick one:
9,365 XP
Everything Counts In Large Amounts 4545-55
To Serve Kum'isha 4545-55
A Boar's Vitality 4545-50
Fall From Grace 4545-50
Snickerfang Jowls 4545-50
The Basilisk's Bite 4545-50
The Decisive Striker 4545-50
Vulture's Vigor 4545-50
A Closer Look 1515-30 Alliance 10 50
Advice from the Cenarion Circle 1515-30 Alliance 27
Atrocities 1515-30 10 50
Attack of the Iron Horde 1010-40 Alliance
Pick one:
16 98
Attack of the Iron Horde 1010-40
Pick one:
16 98
Blasted Lands Bolt 1010-70
Blasted Lands Bolt - Advanced 1010-70
Blasted Lands Bolt - Reverse 1010-70
Blasted Lands: The Other Side of the World 1515-30 Horde
Blasted Lands: The Other Side of the World 1515-30 5 25
Blood Ritual 1515-30 Alliance 2 62
Call of the Warmatron 1515-30 Horde
Cultists at our Doorstep 1515-30 Alliance
Pick one:
10 50
Curtail the Darktail 1515-30 Alliance
Pick one:
10 50
Death to the Dreadmaul 1010-40 Horde 16 98
Demoniac Vessel 1515-30 Alliance 5 55
Futile Pride 1515-30 Horde 5 25
Gar'mak Bladetwist 1010-40 Horde
16 98
Heartstrike 1515-30 Horde 5 25
Hero's Call: Blasted Lands! 1515-30 Alliance 1 5
Home... Gone... Naga... 1515-30 1 5
Investigating the Invasion 1010-40 Alliance 1 69
Iron Horde Invasion 1010-40 16 98
Iron Horde Invasion 1010-40 16 98
Kasim Sharim 1515-30 Alliance 10 50
Kum'isha's Endeavors 1515-30
Minor Distractions 1515-30 Alliance 7 87
Nethergarde Needs You! 1515-30 Alliance
Not Just Any Body 1515-30 Alliance 10 50
Okrilla and the Blasted Lands 1515-30 1 5
Okrilla's Revenge 1010-40 Horde 16 98
One Draenei's Junk... 1515-30
Onward to the Blasted Lands 1515-30 Alliance 5 25
Peeking into the Portal 1010-40 Horde 16 98
Protecting Our Rear 1515-30 Horde 21
Protecting Our Rear 1515-30 Alliance 21
Report to the King 1010-40 Alliance
Pick one:
Surwich 1515-30 Alliance 5 25
The Altar of Storms 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
31 50
The Charred Granite of the Dark Portal 1515-30 Horde 2 77
The Demons and the Druid 1515-30 21
The Downfall of Marl Wormthorn 1515-30 Alliance
Pick one:
8 32
The Dreadmaul Furnace 1515-30 Horde 10 50
The Future of the Rockpool 1515-30 Alliance 10 50
The Sunveil Excursion 1515-30 Horde 5 25
The Vile Blood of Demons 1515-30 Horde 2 77
Toothsmash the Annihilator 1010-40 Horde
Pick one:
16 98
Under Siege 1010-40 Horde
16 98
Warchief's Command: Blasted Lands! 1515-30 Horde 1 5
Watching Our Back 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
10 50
Watching Our Back 1515-30 Alliance
Pick one:
2 77
When Revenge Burns Green 3030-70
56 18
Wormthorn's Dream 1515-30 Alliance 21
A Bloodmage's Gotta Eat Too 4040-60 Horde
Pick one:
Attune the Bloodstone 4040-60 Alliance 23
Attune the Bloodstone 4040-60 Horde 23
Blood Ritual 4040-60 Horde 23
Demoniac Vessel 4040-60 1 80
Eliminate the Okril'lon 4040-60 Alliance
Pick one:
1 80
Enhancing the Stone 4040-60 Horde 45
Enhancing the Stone 4040-60 Alliance 45
False Idols 4040-60 90
How Best to Proceed 4040-60 9
Into the Mountain 4040-60 Horde 23
It's All Mine 4040-60 Horde 90
Loramus Thalipedes Awaits 4040-60 Horde 23
Mission Complete 4040-60 Horde
Pick one:
1 80
Neptool's Revenge 4040-60
Pick one:
1 80
Nethergarde Reigns 4040-60 Alliance 90
Not Just Any Body 4040-60 Horde 90