clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
Supplies for Nethergarde 4040-45 4,605 XP
Nothing But The Truth 3737-42
Armed and Ready 2020-29
REUSE - BREADCRUMB 2121-23 1,585 XP
A Curse We Cannot Lift 1010-30 10 50
A Daughter's Love 1010-30
Pick one:
A Deadly Vine 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
Bear In Mind 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
Bones That Walk 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
Buried Below 1010-30
Classy Glass 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
Cry For The Moon 1010-30
Pick one:
5 25
Delivery to Master Harris 1010-30 5 25
Dusky Crab Cakes 1010-30 10 50
Gather Rot Blossoms 1010-30 10 50
Ghost Hair Thread 1010-30
Ghoulish Effigy 1010-30 10 50
Guided by the Light 1010-30
Hero's Call: Duskwood! 1010-30 1 5
Hero's Call: Duskwood! 1010-30 Alliance 1 5
In A Dark Corner 1010-30 7 87
Juice Delivery 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
Look To The Stars 1010-30
Mistmantle's Revenge 1010-30
Pick one:
31 50
3 players
1010-30 10 50
Note to the Mayor 1010-30
Ogre Thieves 1010-30 10 50
Part of the Pack 1010-30
Return the Comb 1010-30 10
Roland's Doom 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
Seasoned Wolf Kabobs 1010-30 10 50
Soothing Spirits 1010-30 10 50
Supplies from Darkshire 1010-30
The Cries of the Dead 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
The Fate of Morbent Fel 1010-30 10 50
The Fate of Stalvan Mistmantle 1010-30 5 25
The Halls of the Dead 1010-30
The Hermit 1010-30 5 25
The Insane Ghoul 1010-30 10 50
The Jitters-Bugs 1010-30 10 50
The Legend of Stalvan 1010-30 5 25
The Night Watch 1010-30 10 50
The Rotting Orchard 1010-30 10 50
The Stolen Letters 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
The Weathered Grave 1010-30
The Yorgen Worgen 1010-30 10 50
Vile and Tainted 1010-30 10 50
Vulgar Vul'Gol 1010-30 10 50
Wolves at Our Heels 1010-30
Pick one:
10 50
Worgen in the Woods 1010-30 10 50
Zombie Juice 1010-30
Clawing at the Truth 2020-60 45
Deliver the Thread 2020-60
Pick one:
Morbent's Bane 2020-60
Pick one:
2 70
Morgan Ladimore 2020-60
The Daughter Who Lived 2020-60
The Embalmer's Revenge 2020-60
Pick one:
2 70
The Lurking Lich 2020-60
Worgen in the Woods 2020-60
Pick one:
1 80