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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
[DEPRECATED]Identifying the Brood 3737-41
Pick one:
[DEPRECATED]Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern 3737-41
Pick one:
[DEPRECATED]Catch a Dragon by the Tail 3737-40
Pick one:
5,465 XP
[DEPRECATED]Corrosion Prevention 3535-40
Pick one:
5,465 XP
[DEPRECATED]The Zeppelin Crash 3535-40
Friend of a Friend 3838-40 685 XP
Little Sumpthin' 3838-40 685 XP
[DEPRECATED]Bloodfen Feathers 3535-39 5,330 XP
[DEPRECATED]Direhorn Raiders 3535-39
Pick one:
5,330 XP
[DEPRECATED]Secure the Cargo! 3535-39 5,330 XP
[DEPRECATED]The Reagent Thief 3535-39
Pick one:
5,330 XP
[DEPRECATED]WANTED: Goreclaw the Ravenous 3535-39
Pick one:
5,330 XP
Delivery for Drazzit 3535-39 Horde
[DEPRECATED]Morgan Stern 3333-38
[DEPRECATED]Signs of Treachery? 3030-38 5,195 XP
[DEPRECATED]The Grimtotem Weapon 3535-38 5,195 XP
[DEPRECATED]Lieutenant Paval Reethe 3030-37
Daelin's Men 3535-37
Lieutenant Paval Reethe 3535-37
Hungry! 3232-36
Pick one:
The Hermit of Witch Hill 3232-36
What's Haunting Witch Hill? 3030-36 4,925 XP
[DEPRECATED]Inspecting the Ruins 3030-35
[DEPRECATED]Suspicious Hoofprints 3030-35
[DEPRECATED]The Black Shield 3030-35
[DEPRECATED]They Call Him Smiling Jim 3030-35
Fire at the Shady Rest <CHANGE TO GOSSIP> 3030-35
Jim's Song <CHANGE TO GOSSIP> 3030-35
Marsh Frog Legs 3030-35
Pick one:
The Burning Inn <CHANGE TO GOSSIP> 3030-35
The Lost Report 3030-35
Highperch Venom 2525-30
The "Chow" Quest (123)aa COPY 1-4
910 XP
A Grim Connection 1515-30
A Shambling Threat 1515-30 Horde 10 50
Arms of the Grimtotems 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50
Army of the Black Dragon 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
Army of the Black Dragon 1515-30
Pick one:
Banner of the Stonemaul 1515-30 Horde 10 50
Bloodfen Feathers 1515-30 Horde 10 50
Broken Masquerade
1010-70 56 18
Captain Vimes 1515-30 Alliance 10 50
Catch a Dragon by the Tail 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
10 50
Challenge to the Black Flight 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
31 50
Check Up on Tabetha 1515-30 Horde
Cleansing Witch Hill 1515-30
Pick one:
Confirming the Suspicion 1515-30 10 50
Corrosion Prevention 1515-30
Pick one:
Darkmist Extermination 1515-30 Horde 10 50
Deadmire 1515-30 Horde
Defias in Dustwallow? 1515-30 Alliance 10 50
Direhorn Raiders 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50
Discrediting the Deserters 1515-30 10 50
Flight to Brackenwall 1515-30 Horde 1 5
Flight to Theramore 1515-30 1 5
Help for Mudsprocket 1515-30 Alliance
Help Mudsprocket 1515-30 Horde
Hero's Call: Dustwallow Marsh! 1515-30 Alliance 1 5
Hungry as an Ogre! 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
Identifying the Brood 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
Inspecting the Ruins 1515-30 Horde
Inspecting the Ruins 1515-30
Is it Real? 1515-30 Alliance
Jaina Must Know 1515-30
Jarl Needs a Blade 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
10 50
Jarl Needs Eyes 1515-30 21
Justice for the Hyals 1515-30
Lieutenant Paval Reethe 1515-30 Horde
Lieutenant Paval Reethe 1515-30
Marsh Frog Legs 1515-30
Pick one:
Mission to Mudsprocket 1515-30 Alliance
Mudrock Soup and Bugs 1515-30 Alliance
Nat's Bargain 1515-30 10 50
Next of Kin 1515-30 Horde 7 87
Oh, It's Real 1515-30
Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
Prisoners of the Grimtotems 1515-30 10 50
Proof of Treachery 1515-30
Propaganda War 1515-30 Alliance 2 77
Raptor Captor 1515-30 10 50
Recover the Cargo! 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50
Reinforcements From Theramore 1515-30 5 25
Renn McGill 1515-30 Alliance
Return to Jaina 1515-30 21
Secondhand Diving Gear 1515-30 10 50
Secure the Cargo! 1515-30 21
SMASH BROODQUEEN 1515-30 Horde 21
Spirits of Stonemaul Hold 1515-30 Horde 10 50
Stinky's Escape 1515-30 10 50
Survey Alcaz Island 1515-30
Pick one:
Suspicious Hoofprints 1515-30
Suspicious Hoofprints 1515-30 Horde
Tabetha's Assistance 1515-30
Tabetha's Farm 1515-30
Take Down Tethyr! 1515-30
Pick one:
Talk to Ogron 1515-30 Horde
The Black Shield 1515-30 Horde
The Black Shield 1515-30 Horde
The Black Shield 1515-30 10 50
The Black Shield 1515-30