clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
The Strength of Corruption 4747-52
The Sunken Temple 4646-51
Dark Heart 4545-50
Pick one:
Vengeance on the Northspring 4545-50 5,110 XP
The Giant Guardian 4444-49
Fuel for the Zapping 4545-48
6,545 XP
Zapped Giants 4545-48
6,545 XP
Freedom for All Creatures 3838-47
In Search of Knowledge 4242-47
The Mark of Quality 4040-46
Pick one:
The Mark of Quality 4040-46
Pick one:
A New Cloak's Sheen 3838-45 6,140 XP
A Strange Request 4040-45
Find OOX-22/FE! 4040-45
Thalanaar Delivery 4040-44 4,505 XP
The High Wilderness 3939-44 6,005 XP
Gordunni Cobalt 3838-43
Pick one:
The Gordunni Scroll 3838-43
The Missing Courier 4040-43
The Ogres of Feralas 3838-43 4,405 XP
The Ruins of Solarsal 4040-43
War on the Woodpaw 3939-42 4,300 XP
Gordunni Cobalt 3737-39
Pick one:
5,330 XP
Natural Materials 3535-39 5,330 XP
Natural Materials 3535-39 5,330 XP
Testing the Vessel 3535-38 5,195 XP
The Battle Plans 3636-38
Pick one:
To Camp Mojache 3636-38 3,895 XP
Estulan's Examination 3535-37 2,530 XP
Improved Quality 3434-37
Pick one:
5,060 XP
Pristine Yeti Hide 3535-37 6,325 XP
Report to Silvia 3535-37 Alliance 1,265 XP
General Shandris Feathermoon 3434-36 Alliance 3,695 XP
To Stonemaul Hold 3434-36 Horde 2,465 XP
To the Top 2525
Ancient Suffering 1515-30 Horde 10 50
Dark Heart 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
Due Reward 1010-45 20 22
Even More Fuel for the Zapping 1515-30 Horde
10 50
Feralas Ruins Ramble 1010-70
Feralas Ruins Ramble - Advanced 1010-70
Feralas Ruins Ramble - Challenge 1010-70
Feralas Ruins Ramble - Reverse 1010-70
Feralas Ruins Ramble - Reverse Challenge 1010-70
Find OOX-22/FE! 1515-30 Horde
Forces of Nature: Wisps 1515-30 Alliance 10 50
General Skessesh 1515-30 Alliance 21
Hatecrest Forces 1515-30 Alliance 10 50
Hero's Call: Feralas! 1515-30 Alliance 1 5
Hippogryph Muisek 1515-30 10 50
It's Not "Ogre" Yet 1515-30 Alliance 10 50
Might of the Sentinels 1515-30
Pick one:
Might of the Stonemaul 1515-30
Pick one:
Never Look Back 1515-30
Return to Sage Palerunner 1515-30 21
Sasquatch Sighting 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
Sasquatch Sighting 1515-30
Pick one:
Service with a Smile 1010-45 2 2
Signs of Change 1515-30 10 50
Signs of Change 1515-30 Horde 10 50
Still With The Zapped Giants 1515-30 Horde
10 50
Stinglasher 1515-30 Horde
Taming The Tamers 1515-30 10 50
Taming The Tamers 1515-30 Horde 10 50
Tears of Stone 1515-30 Horde 10 50
Testing the Vessel 1515-30 Horde 10 50
The Battle of Sardor 1515-30 Alliance 5 25
The Darkmist Legacy 1515-30 Horde 10 50
The Darkmist Ruins 1515-30 Horde
The Gordunni Orb 1515-30 Horde 10 50
The Gordunni Orb 1515-30 Alliance 10 50
The Gordunni Threat 1515-30 Alliance 21
The Gordunni Threat 1515-30 Horde 21
The Hilltop Threat 1515-30 Horde 10 50
The Lost Apprentice 1515-30 Alliance
The Mark of Quality 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
10 50
The Mark of Quality 1515-30 Alliance
Pick one:
10 50
The Northspring Menace 1515-30 21
The Wilds of Feralas 1515-30 7 87
The Wilds of Feralas 1515-30 7 87
Twisted Sisters 1515-30 Horde 10 50
Vengeance on the Northspring 1515-30 Horde 21
War on the Woodpaw 1515-30 Alliance 10 50
War on the Woodpaw 1515-30 Horde 10 50
Warchief's Command: Feralas! 1515-30 1 5
Woodpaw Investigation 1515-30 Horde
Zukk'ash Infestation 1515-30 Horde 10 50
A Grim Discovery 3535-60 90
A New Cloak's Sheen 3535-60 90
Adella's Covert Camp 3535-60 Alliance 70
Alpha Strike 3535-60 1 80
Alpha Strike 3535-60 Horde 1 80
Dark Heart 3535-60
Pick one:
1 80
Faerie Dragon Muisek 3535-60
Forces of Nature: Faerie Dragons 3535-60 Alliance 90
Forces of Nature: Hippogryphs 3535-60 Alliance 90
Forces of Nature: Mountain Giants 3535-60 Alliance
Pick one:
2 70
Forces of Nature: Treants 3535-60 90
Gordok Guards 3535-60 90
Improved Quality 3535-60 Horde
Pick one: