clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
The Waters of Teldrassil 1-11 Alliance
Pick one:
Druid of the Claw 33-10 Alliance
Pick one:
1,770 XP
The Sprouted Fronds 44-10
The Vengeance of Elune 1-10 Alliance
Pick one:
1,770 XP
Timberling Sprouts 44-9 Alliance
Pick one:
1,600 XP
A Troubling Breeze 1-30 Alliance
An Unexpected Gift 1-30 Alliance
Denalan's Earth 1-30 Alliance 5 25
Dolanaar Delivery 1-30 Alliance
Pick one:
Ferocitas the Dream Eater 1-30 Alliance 21
Gnarlpine Corruption 1-30 Alliance
Home of the Kaldorei 1-30 Alliance 10 50
Mist 1-30 Alliance
Pick one:
10 50
Mossy Tumors 1-30 Alliance
Pick one:
Nature's Reprisal 1-30 Alliance
Oakenscowl 1-30 Alliance
Pick one:
Rellian Greenspyre 1-30 Alliance 7 87
Reminders of Home 1-30 Alliance
Resident Danger 1-30 Alliance 21
Return to Nyoma 1-30 Alliance 7 87
Seek Redemption! 1-30 Alliance 10 50
Tears of the Moon 1-30 Alliance 21
Teldrassil: The Burden of the Kaldorei 1-30 Alliance
Teldrassil: The Coming Dawn 1-30 Alliance
Teldrassil: The Refusal of the Aspects 1-30 Alliance
The Emerald Dreamcatcher 1-30 Alliance 7 87
The Enchanted Glade 1-30 Alliance
Pick one:
The Glowing Fruit 1-30 Alliance 10 50
The Moss-twined Heart 1-30 Alliance
The Relics of Wakening 1-30 Alliance
Pick one:
10 50
The Road to Darnassus 1-30 Alliance 10 50
The Shimmering Frond 1-30 Alliance 10 50
The Sleeping Druid 1-30 Alliance
Timberling Seeds 1-30 Alliance 10 50
To Darnassus 1-30 Alliance
Twisted Hatred 1-30 Alliance
Pick one:
Ursal the Mauler 1-30 Alliance
Pick one:
Zenn's Bidding 1-30 Alliance 10 50
Planting the Heart 55-20 Alliance