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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
zzOLD The Fate of the Ruby Dragonshrine 7272-74
Your Presence is Required at Stars' Rest 1515-30
Your Presence is Required at Agmar's Hammer 1515-30
Worm Wrangler 6161-80 7 40
Without a Prayer 6161-80 7 40
Where the Wild Things Roam 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
10 50
What Secrets Men Hide 1515-30
Warchief's Command: Dragonblight! 1515-30 Horde 1 5
Wanton Warlord 7272-74
Pick one:
17,040 XP
16 80
WANTED: The Scarlet Onslaught 1515-30 Horde 10 50
WANTED: Onslaught Commander Iustus 1515-30 Alliance
Pick one:
WANTED: Magister Keldonus 1515-30
Pick one:
WANTED: Kreug Oathbreaker 6161-80 Alliance
Pick one:
14 80
WANTED: High Shaman Bloodpaw 1515-30 Alliance
Pick one:
WANTED: Gigantaur 1515-30
Pick one:
WANTED: Dreadtalon 1515-30
Pick one:
Victory Nears... 6161-80
Understanding the Scourge War Machine 6161-80 Alliance
Understanding the Language of Death 7171-73 Alliance
Tua'kea's Crab Traps 6161-80 7 40
Travel to Moa'ki Harbor 1515-30 Alliance
Pick one:
Travel to Moa'ki Harbor 1515-30
Pick one:
Torture the Torturer 6161-80 Horde
Pick one:
7 40
To Venomspite! 1515-30
To Stars' Rest! 1515-30
To Fordragon Hold! 1515-30 Alliance
Pick one:
To Dragon's Fall 1515-30 Horde
Through Fields of Flame 6161-80 Alliance
Pick one:
14 80
Through Fields of Flame 6161-80 Horde
Pick one:
14 80
The Truth Will Out 6161-80 7 40
The Truth Shall Set Us Free 1515-30
The Translated Tome 6161-80 Horde
Pick one:
22 20
The Taunka and the Tauren 1515-30 Horde
The Steward of Wyrmrest Temple 6161-80 Alliance
The Steward of Wyrmrest Temple 6161-80 Horde
The Spy in New Hearthglen 6161-80 7 40
The Search for Slinkin 1515-30 Alliance
The Rod of Compulsion 6161-80 Horde 3 70
The Return of the Crusade? 7171-73
9,920 XP
5 30
The Power to Destroy 6161-80 Horde
The Plume of Alystros 1515-30
Pick one:
The Perfect Dissemblance 6161-80 7 40
The Path of Redemption 1515-30
The Obsidian Dragonshrine 1515-30 1 5
The Noble's Crypt 7171-72 Alliance
Pick one:
The Murkweed Elixir 6161-80 Alliance
The Might of the Horde 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
The Lost Empire 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
The Lost Courier 1515-30 Alliance
The Liquid Fire of Elune 1515-30 Alliance 10 50
The Kor'kron Vanguard! 6161-80 Horde
Pick one:
The Key to the Focusing Iris 3030 Horde 31 50
The High Executor Needs You 1515-30
The High Cultist 1515-30 Alliance
Pick one:
The Heroic Key to the Focusing Iris 3030 42
The Good Doctor... 1515-30 Horde
The Forsaken Blight and You: How Not to Die 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
The Forsaken Blight 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
The Forgotten Tale 6161-80 Alliance
The Focus on the Beach 1515-30 Horde 10 50
The Focus on the Beach 6161-80 Alliance 7 40
The Flesh-Bound Tome 1515-30 Horde
The Favor of Zangus 6161-80 Alliance
The Fate of the Ruby Dragonshrine 1515-30 2 62
The Fate of the Dead 6161-80 Alliance
Pick one:
The End of the Line 6161-80 Horde
Pick one:
14 80
The End of the Line 6161-80 Alliance
Pick one:
14 80
The Denouncement 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
The Demo-gnome 6161-80 Alliance
The Cleansing Of Jintha'kalar 1515-30
Pick one:
10 50
The Chain Gun And You 6161-80 Alliance
The Call Of The Crusade 1515-30 Alliance
The Bleeding Ore 1515-30 Alliance
The Best of Intentions 1515-30 2 77
The Bait 6161-80 7 40
That Which Creates Can Also Destroy 1515-30
Pick one:
31 50
Tales of Destruction 6161-80 Alliance 74
Sweet Revenge 7070-73 9,920 XP
5 30
Strengthen the Ancients 7171-72 Alliance
Pick one:
9,785 XP
Strengthen the Ancients 1515-30 Horde
Pick one:
10 50
Strength of Icemist 1515-30 Horde
Stomping Grounds 1515-30 10 50
Stocking Up 1515-30 Horde 10 50
Stiff Negotiations 6161-80 5 80
Steamtank Surprise 6161-80 Alliance
Pick one:
Stealing from the Siegesmiths 1515-30 Horde 10 50
Spread the Good Word 1515-30 Horde
Spiritual Insight 6161-80 7 40
Speak with your Ambassador 6161-80 Alliance
Speak with your Ambassador 6161-80
Something That Doesn't Melt 6161-80 Horde
Pick one:
7 40
Soft Packaging 6161-80 Horde 7 40
Slim Pickings 1515-30 10 50
Slay Loguhn 1515-30
Pick one:
Signs of Big Watery Trouble 1515-30 1 5
Shaved Ice 1515-30 Horde 10 50
Seeds of the Lashers 1515-30 10 50
Secrets of the Scourge 6161-80 Alliance
Search Indu'le Village 1515-30 Alliance 2 77
Search Indu'le Village 6161-80 Horde 7 40