clear all
Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains Category
The Burlap Grind
8282-90 11 40 Kun-Lai Summit
The Big Kah-Oona
11 40 The Jade Forest
The Big Brew-haha
11 40 The Jade Forest
Terror of the Dread Wastes 8383-90
Pick one:
11 40 Townlong Steppes
Taste Test 8181-90 11 40 Valley of the Four Winds
Target of Opportunity: Sra'thik Swarmlord
11 40 Townlong Steppes
Target of Opportunity: Sra'thik Hivelord
11 40 Townlong Steppes
Taoshi and Korvexxis 8383-90 11 40 Townlong Steppes
Taking Stock 8383-90 11 40 Townlong Steppes
Sweet as Honey
11 40 The Jade Forest
Survival Ring: Flame
8585-90 Horde
11 40 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Sunset Kings 8484-90 Alliance 11 40 Dread Wastes
Students of Chi-Ji
11 40 Krasarang Wilds
Stealing Their Thunder King 8282-90 11 40 Kun-Lai Summit
Staying Connected 8282-90 11 40 Kun-Lai Summit
Spiteful Spirits 8383-90 Alliance 11 40 Townlong Steppes
Spirits of the Water 8080-90 Alliance 11 40 The Jade Forest
Spirit Dust
11 40 Townlong Steppes
Specimen Request
11 40 Dread Wastes
Sonic Disruption
11 40 Dread Wastes
So You Want to Be a Blacksmith... 8585-90 1 14 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
So You Want to Be a Blacksmith... 8585-90 Horde 1 14 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Skitterer Stew 8181-90 Horde 11 40 Krasarang Wilds
Simulacrumble 8080-90 11 40 The Jade Forest
SI:7 Report: Take No Prisoners 8080-90 Alliance
Pick one:
45 60 The Jade Forest
SI:7 Report: Hostile Natives 8080-90 Alliance The Jade Forest
Shortcut to Ruin
11 40 Dread Wastes
Shimmering Shell 110110-120 1 94 Dread Wastes
Shark Week 8484-90 Alliance 11 40 Dread Wastes
Shackles of Manipulation
11 40 Dread Wastes
Sever Their Supply Line 8181-90 11 40 Krasarang Wilds
Serpent's Scale
11 40 The Jade Forest
Seeing Red 8383-90
Pick one:
11 40 Townlong Steppes
Seeing Orange 8181-90
Pick one:
11 40 Valley of the Four Winds
Scouting Report: On the Right Track 8080-90 Horde The Jade Forest
Scouting Report: Like Jinyu in a Barrel 8080-90 Horde
Pick one:
45 60 The Jade Forest
Sampling the Empire's Finest
11 40 Dread Wastes
Running Rampant 8383-90 11 40 Townlong Steppes
Rummaging Through the Remains 8383-90 Alliance
11 40 Townlong Steppes
Round 'Em Up 8282-90 Alliance
Pick one:
11 40 Kun-Lai Summit
Roadside Assistance 8282-90 Horde 11 40 Kun-Lai Summit
Revelations 8282-90 Horde 11 40 Kun-Lai Summit
Returning from the Pass 8383-90 Alliance 2 85 Townlong Steppes
Residual Fallout 8080-90 11 40 The Jade Forest
Re-Reclaim 8181-90
Pick one:
11 40 Krasarang Wilds
Rending Daggers 8484-90 Alliance
Pick one:
11 40 Dread Wastes
Ranger Rescue 8383-90 11 40 Townlong Steppes
Profit Mastery: Chasheen 8181-90 11 40 Krasarang Wilds
Preserved in Amber 8484-90 5 70 Dread Wastes
Practically Perfect Produce 8181-90 1 14 Valley of the Four Winds
Pitching In 8383-90
11 40 Townlong Steppes
Piercing Talons and Slavering Jaws 8181-90 8 60 Valley of the Four Winds
Pick a Yak 8383-90 Townlong Steppes
Perfect Pitch 8383-90 11 40 Townlong Steppes
Parental Mastery 8181-90
Pick one:
11 40 Valley of the Four Winds
Pandaren Prisoners 8282-90 Horde 11 40 Kun-Lai Summit
Out of Sprite 8181-90 11 40 Valley of the Four Winds
One Traveler's Misfortune 8282-90 Horde
Pick one:
11 40 Kun-Lai Summit
One Final Turn 8585-90
Timeless Isle
On the Crab 8484-90 Alliance 11 40 Dread Wastes
Off the Wall! 8282-90 11 40 Kun-Lai Summit
Not Fit to Swarm 8484-90 11 40 Dread Wastes
No Sister Left Behind 8181-90 11 40 Krasarang Wilds
Needle Me Not
11 40 The Jade Forest
My Father's Crossbow 8383-90 Alliance 11 40 Townlong Steppes
Mushan Mastery: Darkhide 8181-90 Horde
Pick one:
11 40 Valley of the Four Winds
Mung-Mung's Vote II: Rotten to the Core 8181-90 Alliance 11 40 Valley of the Four Winds
Mung-Mung's Vote I: A Hozen's Problem 8181-90 5 70 Valley of the Four Winds
Mothallus! 8181-90
Pick one:
11 40 Valley of the Four Winds
Money Matters
11 40 Valley of the Four Winds
Mogu Runes of Fate
45 60 Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Mists' Opportunity 8383-90 Alliance
Pick one:
22 80 Townlong Steppes
Mistblade Destruction
11 40 Dread Wastes
11 40 Dread Wastes
Meet the Cap'n 8484-90 1 14 Dread Wastes
Meaty Crane Leg 8585-90
1 14 Dread Wastes
Mazu's Breath 8484-90 2 85 Dread Wastes
Maul Gormal 8080-90
Pick one:
11 40 The Jade Forest
Madcap Mayhem
11 40 The Jade Forest
Lupello 8181-90 11 40 Valley of the Four Winds
Lotus Tea 8181-90 11 40 Krasarang Wilds
Lost Sea Scroll 110110-120 1 94 Dread Wastes
Lost and Lonely 8181-90 Alliance 11 40 Valley of the Four Winds
Living Amber 8484-90 Alliance 11 40 Dread Wastes
Life 8181-90 Horde 11 40 Krasarang Wilds
Li Li's Day Off 8181-90
11 40 Valley of the Four Winds
Lessons from History 8282-90 11 40 Kun-Lai Summit
Legacy 8181-90 1 14 Valley of the Four Winds
Last Piece of the Puzzle 8080-90 Horde 11 40 The Jade Forest
Last Piece of the Puzzle 8080-90 Alliance 11 40 The Jade Forest
Lao-Chin's Gambit 8282-90 1 14 Kun-Lai Summit
Lao-Chin and Serevex 8383-90 11 40 Townlong Steppes
Kypari Zar 8484-90 Alliance 11 40 Dread Wastes
Kypa'rak's Core
22 80 Dread Wastes
Kunchong Treats
11 40 Dread Wastes
Kor'thik Aggression 8484-90 Alliance
Pick one:
11 40 Dread Wastes
Justice 8282-90 Horde 11 40 Kun-Lai Summit
Jung Duk 8383-90
Pick one:
22 80 Townlong Steppes
Joining the Hunt 8383-90 2 85 Townlong Steppes
Joining the Fight 8383-90 2 85 Townlong Steppes