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Name Req. Level Side Rewards Gains
Blooming Siren's Sting 120120
Blooming Siren's Sting 120120
Blooming Siren's Sting 120120
Blooming Siren's Sting 120120
Blooming Siren's Sting 120120
Blooming Star Moss 120120
Blooming Star Moss 120120
Blooming Star Moss 120120
Blooming Star Moss 120120
Burnished Platinum 120120
Flourishing Riverbud 120120
Flourishing Riverbud 120120
Flourishing Riverbud 120120
Flourishing Riverbud 120120
Flourishing Riverbud 120120
Flourishing Sea Stalks 120120
Flourishing Sea Stalks 120120
Flourishing Sea Stalks 120120
Flourishing Sea Stalks 120120
Gleaming Storm Silver 120120
Hardened Monelite 120120
Luminous Monelite 120120
Overgrown Anchor Weed 120120
Overgrown Anchor Weed 120120
Overgrown Anchor Weed 120120
Overgrown Anchor Weed 120120
Supplies Needed: Tiragarde Perch 120120
Winter's Kiss Cluster 120120
Winter's Kiss Cluster 120120
Winter's Kiss Cluster 120120
Work Order: Calcified Bone 120120
Work Order: Coarse Leather Barding 120120
Work Order: Contract: Talanji's Empire 120120
Work Order: Contract: Voldunai 120120
Work Order: Deep Sea Satin 120120
Work Order: Enchant Weapon - Coastal Surge 120120
Work Order: F.R.I.E.D. 120120
Work Order: Potion of Concealment 120120
Work Order: Potion of Concealment 120120
Work Order: Rubellite 120120
Work Order: Sea Mist Potion 120120
Work Order: Siren's Pollen 120120
Work Order: Solstone 120120
Aethril Cluster 110110
Aethril Cluster 110110
Aqueous Aethril 110110
Brambly Fjarnskaggl 110110
Bright Leystone Deposits 110110
Brilliant Leystone Seams 110110
Brimstone Destroyer 110110
Brimstone Destroyer 110110
Brimstone Destroyer 110110
Brimstone Destroyer 110110
Brimstone Destroyer 110110
Brimstone Destroyer 110110
Brimstone Destroyer 110110
Bristled Bear Skin 110110
Bristly Musken Hide 110110
Buoy Fishing 110110
Burning Felslate Deposits 110110
Bushy Aethril 110110
Bushy Foxflower 110110
Charged Leystone Deposits 110110
Coarse Leystone Outcropping 110110
Crude Leystone Seams 110110
Dark Leystone Deposits 110110
Darkened Felslate Deposits 110110
Dreamleaf Cluster 110110
Dreamleaf Cluster 110110
Dreamleaf-Covered Ancient 110110
Exquisite Leystone Deposits 110110
Extra-Rancid Felhound Hide 110110
Fatty Lion Seal Skin 110110
Fel Hide 110110
Felhide 110110
Felhide 110110
Felhide 110110
Felhide 110110
Felhide 110110
Felhide 110110
Felhide 110110
Felhide 110110
Felslate Basilisks 110110
Felslate Outcropping 110110
Felwort 110110
Felwort 110110
Felwort 110110
Felwort 110110
Felwort 110110
Felwort 110110
Felwort 110110
Felwort 110110
Felwort 110110
Felwort 110110
Felwort 110110
Fiery Leystone Deposits 110110
Fjarnskaggl Cluster 110110
Flourishing Aethril 110110
Flourishing Dreamleaf 110110
Flourishing Fjarnskaggl 110110