Thunder Focus Tea

Thunder Focus Tea

Monk - Mistweaver Spec
Instant30 sec recharge
Requires Monk (Mistweaver)
1 charge

Receive a jolt of energy, empowering your next spell cast:

Enveloping Mist: Immediately heals for [ 312% of Spell Power ] and is instant cast.
Renewing Mist: Duration increased by 10 sec.
Vivify: No mana cost.
Rising Sun Kick: Cooldown reduced by 9 sec.
Expel Harm: Transfers 25% additional healing into damage and creates a Chi Cocoon absorbing [ 16% of Total Health ] damage.

Focused Thunder:
Receive a jolt of energy, empowering your next 1 spells cast:

Enveloping Mist: Immediately heals for [ 312% of Spell Power ] and is instant cast.
Renewing Mist: Duration increased by 10 sec.
Vivify: No mana cost.
Rising Sun Kick: Cooldown reduced by 9 sec.
Expel Harm: Transfers 25% additional healing into damage and creates a Chi Cocoon absorbing [ 16% of Total Health ] damage.


Thunder Focus Tea

Your next ability is empowered:

- Enveloping Mist immediately heals for [ 312% of Spell Power ] and is instant cast.
- Renewing Mist's duration is increased by 10 sec.
- Vivify costs no mana.
- Rising Sun Kick's cooldown reduced by 9 sec
- Expel Harm: Transfers 25% additional healing into damage and creates a Chi Cocoon absorbing [ 16% of Total Health ] damage.

30 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameThunder Focus Tea
SchoolsNatureDamage TypeMagic
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
Proc Chance100%
Procs when
  • Player deals special (yellow) melee damage
  • Player casts a beneficial spell
  • Player casts a harmful spell
  • Doesn't reset auto-attack timer
Effect #1

Decrease Cooldown

Value: 9 sec

Affected Spells

 Rising Sun Kick Rising Sun Kick
Effect #2

Decrease Power Cost

Amount: -100%

Affected Spells

 Invigorating Mists Vivify
Effect #3

Increase Buff Duration

Value: 10 sec

Affected Spells

 Renewing Mist Renewing Mist
Effect #4

Decrease Buff Duration

Amount: -50%

Affected Spells

 Essence Font
Effect #5

Decrease Time Between Ticks

Amount: -50%

Affected Spells

 Essence Font
Effect #6

Decrease Casting Time

Amount: -100%

Affected Spells

 Celestial Harmony Enveloping Mist
Effect #7

Increase Effect #2 Value

Value: +25

Effect #8
