Reach of the Highblade

Reach of the Highblade


When you activate Avenging Wrath, all of your abilities and auto-attacks gain 40 yards of range.


Reach of the Highblade

Range of your offensive abilities increased to 40 yards.

20 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameReach of the Highblade
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategoryNone
  • Buff cannot be canceled
Effect #1

Increase Range

Value: +40 yds

Affected Spells

 Crusader Strike Crusader Strike Divine Shield Divine Shield Divine Shield Final Verdict Final Verdict Final Verdict Final Verdict Final Verdict Final Verdict Final Verdict Final Verdict Final Verdict Hammer of the Righteous Hammer of the Righteous Hammer of the Righteous Hammer of the Righteous Hammer of the Righteous Hammer of the Righteous Pendrake's Shattered Aegis Templar's Verdict Templar's Verdict
Effect #2


Effect #3

Increase Range

Value: +10 yds

Affected Spells

 Boundless Judgment Judgment Judgment Judgment Judgment Judgment Judgment Judgment Judgment Judgment Judgment of Justice