Shadow Dance

Shadow Dance

Instant60 sec recharge
Requires Rogue (Subtlety)
1 charge

Allows use of all Stealth abilities and grants all the combat benefits of Stealth for 6 sec. Effect not broken from taking damage or attacking.

Dark Shadow:
Allows use of all Stealth abilities and grants all the combat benefits of Stealth for 6 sec, and increases damage by 0%. Effect not broken from taking damage or attacking.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameShadow Dance
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
  • Allow while sitting
  • Buff cannot be canceled
  • Generates no threat
  • Does not engage target
Effect #1

Mod Threat Flat - Temporary

Value: -10,000,000

Effect #2


Effect #3

Mod Total Health Regen

Effect #4

Add Modifier

Effect #5

Add Modifier

Effect #6

Allow Affected Spells to be Used in Any Stance

Affected Spells

 Symbols of Death