Item - Hunter T18 Marksmanship 2P Bonus

Item - Hunter T18 Marksmanship 2P Bonus

When you critically hit with Marked Shot, you have a 30% chance to gain a Rapid Fire effect increasing haste for 4 sec sec.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameItem - Hunter T18 Marksmanship 2P Bonus
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategoryNone
Proc Chance30%
Procs when
  • Player deals auto attack (white) ranged damage (with a bow, etc)
  • Player deals special (yellow) ranged damage (with a bow, etc)
  • Player casts a harmful spell
  • Passive
  • Cannot be cast in arena
Effect #1

Proc Trigger Spell

Spell:  Rapid Fire

Value: 8