Desperate Prayer

Desperate Prayer

Instant1.5 min cooldown
Requires Priest
Can be cast in Shadowform
Can't be cast in Spirit of Redemption

Increases maximum health by 25% for 10 sec, and instantly heals you for that amount.

Light's Inspiration:
Increases maximum health by 33% for 10 sec, and instantly heals you for that amount.

Desperate Measures:
Increases maximum health by 25% for 20 sec, and instantly heals you for that amount.


Desperate Prayer

Maximum health increased by 25%.

10 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameDesperate Prayer
SchoolsHolyDamage TypeMagic
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
ClassPriestSkill LinePriest
  • Cannot critically hit
  • Cannot critically hit
Effect #1

Mod Increase Maximum Health

Amount: +25%

Effect #2

Heal % of Total Health

Percentage of total health healed: +25%

Effect #3


Effect #4


Value: 10,000