Tyr's Deliverance

Tyr's Deliverance

100 yd range
Requires Paladin

Releases the Light within yourself, healing 5 injured allies instantly and an injured ally every 1 sec for 20 sec within 40 yds for [ 62.69% of Spell Power ].

Allies healed also receive 15% increased healing from your Holy Light, Flash of Light, and Holy Shock spells for 12 sec.


Tyr's Deliverance

Healing received from Holy Light, Flash of Light, and Holy Shock increased by 15%.

12 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameTyr's Deliverance
SchoolsHolyDamage TypeMagic
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
ClassPaladinSkill LinePaladin
  • Buff cannot be canceled
  • Doesn't require line of sight
Effect #1


Effect #2

Mod All Healing Done % by Caster

Amount: +15%

Affected Spells

 Flash of Light Holy Shock Holy Shock