Foe Breaker

Foe Breaker

300 yd range

Inflicts 1,998 Physical damage to all targets in a cone in front of the caster. In addition, the damage of Foe Breaker is increased by 500% for 30 sec.


Foe Breaker

Stacks up to 100 times

Damage taken from Foe Breaker increased by 500%.

30 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameFoe Breaker
SchoolsPhysicalDamage TypeMelee
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
  • Can't be reflected
  • Doesn't require line of sight
Effect #1


Effect #2

School Damage (Physical)

Mechanic: infected

Damage: 2,799

Damage: 1,287 (Looking For Raid)

Damage: 1,998 (Normal Raid)

Damage: 2,799 (Heroic Raid)

Damage: 4,814 (Mythic Raid)

Effect #3

Mod Mechanic Damage (infected)

Amount: +500%