Primal Wrath

Primal Wrath

25 Energy8 yd range
Requires Druid (Feral)
Requires level 45
Requires Cat Form

Finishing move that deals instant damage and applies Rip to all enemies within 10 yards. Lasts longer per combo point.

1 point : [ 34.4% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 4 sec
2 points: [ 51.6% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 6 sec
3 points: [ 68.8% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 8 sec
4 points: [ 86% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 10 sec
5 points: [ 103.2% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 12 sec

Spell Details

Spell Details
NamePrimal Wrath
SchoolsPhysicalDamage TypeMelee
Level45Level Range0 - 0
Global Cooldown1 secCooldown CategoryGlobal
  • Starts auto-attack
Effect #1

School Damage (Physical)

Radius: 10 yard(s)

Effect #2


Value: 2