Maelstrom Supremacy

Maelstrom Supremacy

Increases the healing done by Healing Wave, Healing Surge, Wellspring, Downpour, and Chain Heal by 8%.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameMaelstrom Supremacy
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategoryNone
  • Passive
Effect #1

Increase Damage/Healing

Amount: +15%

Affected Spells

 Consumed by Flame Earth Shock Overload Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Earthquake Overload Echo Chamber Elemental Blast Elemental Blast Elemental Blast Elemental Blast Elemental Blast Elemental Blast Overload Elemental Blast: Critical Strike Elemental Blast: Haste Elemental Blast: Mastery Mastery: Elemental Overload Mountains Will Fall Seismic Thunder
Effect #2

Increase Damage/Healing

Amount: +8%

Affected Spells

 Chain Heal Downpour Downpour Downpour Swelling Waves Swelling Waves Tidebringer Wellspring Wellspring Wellspring