Crystalline Sturgeon

Crystalline Sturgeon

Common Fish
Melee range
Can't be cast in Tree of Life Form

A sleek and elongated body that effortlessly navigates the waters of Khaz Algar. Much larger in size compared to it's cousin, the Bismuth Bitterling, this ancient fish tends to follow schools of this fish in an effort to absorb nutrients dislodged by the fish.



Toss this fish back in the water and increase your Khaz Algar Perception.

|cnGREEN_FONT_COLOR:Areas you can find this fish:|R

- Isle of Dorn
- The Ringing Deeps
- Siren Isle

|cnGREEN_FONT_COLOR:Fishing Pools:

- Glimmerpool

Profession: Fishing

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameCrystalline Sturgeon
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategoryNone
Skill LineKhaz Algar FishingSkill Difficulty10 30 50
  • Can only be cast outdoors
  • Can be cast while mounted
Effect #1


Value: 1