Spiritwalker's Grace

Spiritwalker's Grace

2.8199999332428% of Base Mana
Instant2 min cooldown
Requires Shaman (Elemental, Restoration)

Calls upon the guidance of the spirits for 15 sec, permitting movement while casting Shaman spells. Castable while casting.

Graceful Spirit:
Calls upon the guidance of the spirits for 15 sec, permitting movement while casting Shaman spells. Castable while casting. Increases movement speed by 20%.


Spiritwalker's Grace


Able to move while casting all Shaman spells.

15 seconds remaining

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameSpiritwalker's Grace
SchoolsNatureDamage TypeMagic
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
Dispel TypeMagicClassShaman
  • Generates no threat
Effect #1

CastWhileWalking (7)

Affected Spells

 Ascendance Ascendance Ascendance Chain Heal Chain Lightning Crashing Storm Earth Shield Earthen Rage Earthquake Elemental Assault Elemental Blast Elemental Spirits Feral Lunge Fire Nova Flame Shock Flametongue Attack Flametongue Weapon Frost Shock Ghost Wolf Hailstorm Healing Stream Totem Ice Strike Icefury Lashing Flames Lava Burst Lightning Bolt Lightning Shield Liquid Magma Totem Restorative Mists Ride the Lightning Static Discharge Stormkeeper Stormstrike Stormstrike Off-Hand Sundering Surge of Earth Surge of Earth Swelling Waves Tidebringer Unleash Life Wellspring Windfury Attack Windfury Attack Windstrike Windstrike Windstrike Off-Hand
Effect #2

Increase Run Speed - Stacks

Effect #3

HealAbsorbTest (640)

Effect #4

HealAbsorbTest (888)

Effect #5

HealAbsorbTest (981)

Effect #6

HealAbsorbTest (1089)

Effect #7

HealAbsorbTest (726)

Effect #8
