Name Level Info
Alterac Valley
20 - 120 40 players
Alterac Valley
20 - 80 0 players
Arathi Basin  
50 - 80 15 players
Arathi Basin
10 - 120 6 players
Arathi Basin
10 - 120 8 players
Arathi Basin  
10 - 120 0 players
Arathi Basin
50 - 80 15 players
20 - 109 25 players
Battle for Blackrock Mountain
110 0 players
Deephaul Ravine
61 - 80 8 players
Deepwind Gorge  
90 0 players
Eye of the Storm  
10 - 120 15 players
Isle of Conquest  
20 - 120 40 players
Seething Shore
?? 0 players
Silithus Brawl
45 - 120 0 players
Southshore vs. Tarren Mill  
?? 0 players
Strand of the Ancients  
10 - 120 0 players
Temple of Kotmogu  
10 - 120 8 players
The Battle for Gilneas  
10 - 120 8 players
Twin Peaks  
10 - 120 8 players
Warsong Gulch
10 - 120 0 players
Warsong Gulch  
10 - 120 0 players
Warsong Gulch
10 - 120 8 players
20 - 80 40 players