Expel Harm

Expel Harm

10 yd range
Limited to 1 target(s)

Expel negative chi from your body, healing for [ 120% of Spell Power ] and dealing 10% of the amount healed as Nature damage to an enemy within 20 yards.

Draws in the positive chi of all your Healing Spheres to increase the healing of Expel Harm.

Expel negative chi from your body, healing for [ 120% of Spell Power ] and dealing 10% of the amount healed as Nature damage to an enemy within 20 yards.

Generates 0 Chi.

Mistweaver, Initial:
Expel negative chi from your body, healing for [ 120% of Spell Power ] and dealing 10% of the amount healed as Nature damage to an enemy within 20 yards.

Reverse Harm:
Expel negative chi from your body, healing for [ 120% of Spell Power ] and dealing 10% of the amount healed as Nature damage to an enemy within 20 yards.

Generates 1 Chi.

Spell Details

Spell Details
NameExpel Harm
SchoolsNatureDamage TypeMagic
Global CooldownNoneCooldown CategorySpecial Category
  • Cannot critically hit
  • Cannot critically hit
Effect #1

School Damage (Nature)

Radius: 20 yard(s)